Emotional Eating is eating me up!!!

Did you know what you eat and drink dramatically affects how you feel? Learn how to calm yourself and feel more energetic through diet and exercise.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:42 am

Post by StacyD » Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:34 am

I am really struggling with emotional eating. It seems worse lately. I know what I need to be doing, but doing it is another story! I have done it in the past and was successful at losing weight, but I am struggling with why I gained the weight back and how to get myself motivated to do it again and KEEP it off! The other part of the story is that I am a stay at home mom. My $ is limited and somtimes the only thing that changes in my day is what I eat. I would love to go shopping or out to lunch with a friend, but like I said the finaces are tight. I am unable to join a gym right now. I would like to find a hobby that is not expensive..... FOOD is my entertainment, my friend, my stress reliever, well... it is the best part of my day and I am embarrased to say that..... Is anyone out there struggling with this too? I welcome any suggestions on dealing with the emotional aspect of eating and finding out why I do it and how to STOP!!!
Stacy D


Post by Guest » Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:52 pm

Stacy, I am so sorry for your struggle. Although I'm not much overweight I struggle very much with sugar. Tonite I just came from our church Christmas tea which was total sugar. I said next year we should try Christmas Hors de overs so at least we could have other things. I work at a bakery too which you'd think I'd get sick of it after a year, but I don't. I'm not quite sure what to say to quit the emotional eating. How about looking up emotional eating on the internet. I would think there would be some others to advise you on here. Go into chat and seek help. bry is a great person in there to talk to. Look for her name and just start talking to her. There's a book called "Love Hunger" that might shed some light on it. When thinking of a hobby, think of what things made you happy as a child. Re-kindle the little girl in you, treat her well and you'll improve. Are you a spiritual person? Pray and ask God to help you overcome. Ask him what your talents are and you'll be more excited as you see them. Focus on playing with your children, again thru them, bring out that little girl in you. I wish you the best. Let me know how you're doing too.


Post by Guest » Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:41 pm

Hi StacyD. It sounds like you are struggling . Food is such a comforting pleasure and also necessary for life. Perhaps when you are feeling very tempted to eat something not recommended you could call a friend who understands the struggle you are having. Also artificial sweeteners can help if you a desperate. Also a favourite pillow, pet or blanket, something comforting that you a can hug and expend this wanting energy on. Fill your house with good nutritious food and think about what you want to put in your body after you have dealt with the feelings that need to be expressed that want to be filled by food'. Some foods feel like friends but are really enemies. Try a diversionary tactic like going for a walk or going up and down the stairs 10 times ( that will distract you) The feeling will pass after 10 minutes and before you know it it will be meal time. Chewing sugarless gum also satisfies that need to chew and gives a sweet flavour.I'm also sure there is an overeaters anonamous in your neighbourhood that would give you a social situation where everyone is struggling with this same issue. Try to figure out what triggers your desire to eat. Ask am I really hungry now or is this something else? Boredom or loneliness even guilt over watching t.v. or breaking any of our subconscience self-imposed rules can make us want to eat. I know you will conquer these old habits and create a new reality for you and your family.


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:17 am

Yes I struggle with this too. The weight I have gained is overwhelming. I feel so guilty it's hard as well as shameful for me to even tell anyone. I talk about doing something like a diet and maybe I'll start and then give up after a bit. I realize for me the guilt and shame of the eating sweets, and all the fattening foods is what causes me to want to eat more. Maybe keep a food journal adding any guilt and shameful feelings you have. With this program I have realized that when I tell others I find out I am really not alone in this struggle with the food and then being able to find support and friends to help. Just reading this has already helped me so much.


Post by Guest » Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:11 pm

Barb, Carol and Care Bear,
Thanks so much for your advice. I will print these out and read them all when I am struggling. You all have great suggestions and I appreciate your kindness!
Blessings to you,
Stacy D


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:20 pm

Hi stacyd-
I hope you read this and I hope it helps... I do not have this problem and am not overweight, but believe I have the capacity to be if I succumbed to my desire for food. I have a huge sweet tooth and sometimes it is difficult for me to stop thinking about the next time I will get to eat a sweet. I have a few strategies that I live and a few other ideas that I thought might help or at least be something for you to consider.
First of all, if you don't buy bad foods you can't eat them. Don't stock your house with anything harmful to your body. Buy lots of veggies or fruit or even yogurt and when you go for a snack only good things will be waiting for you. I have done this and now when I eat yogurt I feel like I am splurging because it is what I consider my "dessert"! I put a splenda in it and some sprinkles and that helps jazz it up and make it more fun to eat.
If you don't think you'll have the control to do this, maybe try ordering your groceries online. There are so many stores that offer this service now and I don't believe it costs much additional money.
Also, I have to echo the idea of chewing gum...sometimes your mouth just wants to move! I also feel that sometimes when you're thirsty your body fakes you out and makes you think you're hungry. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Along those same lines, when I want a tasty treat and my body won't be tricked by water I make myself tea. There are really tasty flavors out there like blueberry, vanilla caramel, almond....it's a nice calorie-free treat!
Finally, pre-portion your food. Buy snack bags (which you can re-use) and pre-portion the bag of pretzels or box of cereal or nuts. Measure out a serving and put it in the little baggie and only allow yourself one baggie per meal. Additionally plan what you eat for the day - if you make yourself a schedule then you know that you only planned to eat one serving of nuts and not two - so that is only one baggie and any more than that is unjustified!

I know it is so much easier said than done but ideas never hurt anyone and are always worth a try. I feel like session 5 makes a lot of sense and makes you WANT to eat the right things and exercise the right way but it doesn't offer a lot of strategies in how to accomplish that...so if even one of these ideas helps for you then I am glad to have alleviated some of your stress.


Post by Guest » Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:19 pm

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate the suggestions you gave me and I will give them a try!
Have a great evening!
Stacy D


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:47 am

I am an emotional eater as well. I went on Lexapro in May to try and help me with my anxiety/depression. I gained weight through out the summer and I even took up jogging which I have never done but I could not lose weight. I think the medication made me hungry as well. I went online and found a bunch of people complaining about the same side effects. I am now off the meds and just started this program. I am hoping it will help me with my eating issues. When my kids stress me out I eat as well. I am a stay-at-home mom and have my own business. Thank God for my business because that distracts me.

I don't have any advice, I just can relate.
The only advice I have is don't eat too much of the artificial sweetners. There are many studies out there that the media doesn't talk about that link Splenda and the others to cancer and other harmful things.



Post by Guest » Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:55 pm

It feels good to know I am not alone! I was on Welbutrin for a few years which really curbed my emotional eating and I lost quite a bit of weight. Unfortunately it was not good for my anxiety and I had some really bad bouts of it so I had to go off it. I then started gaining weight, then winter hit with the flus and colds, then was put on Zoloft which is known to cause weight gain!!! I have always been a runner and it has been good at keeping my weight down, but for some reason it is not working right now! I got off the Zoloft and am hoping that soon I will see some difference. In the mean time, I am on and emotional roller coaster... which is a trigger for my emotional eating!
Thanks for posting. I appreciate the support.
Stacy D


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:28 pm

Look in youtube for EFT Emotional Freedom technique, that could help you!! and is easy........ :)

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