Loss of theraist

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Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:38 pm

Post by bobpriest » Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:02 am

Today I ask your help trying to deal with the loss of my psychiatrist to a variety of cancers that have metastasized throughout his body. As a priest, I have been helping him as his body began to fail. In the last three years, he has helped me greatly. Today his wife called me and asked me to come to the hospital to give him last rites. I felt blessed to have done this, but now I feel very empty. But what do I do now? I don't want to begin new therapy from the beginning. I know I need to grieve. Although he has not died yet (as far as I know) I find that I focus on this both in a positive spiritual sense and a real personal sense of loss. Any help can be very appreciated. Please pray for him and for me and his other patients.



Post by Guest » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:11 am

Hi Bob,

I can appreciate your sense of loss, as well as that of the family and all of his other patients. Perhaps as you visit him, you can ask him to grant you a referral to an associate and have your medical record be forwarded to the new therapist.

In your first appointment with the new therapist, simply advise them that you would appreciate it if instead they would study your medical records prior to your appointment and schedule your appointment to try to start with the new therapist where your current therapist left off. Make it plain to the new therapist that you would rather not have to go over old ground.

It may be a painful thing to see your friend and Therapist go through this very painful process, but you also have to do what is best for you, and I am sure that both he and his wife will understand.

I will pray for you during this period of uncertainty and your sense of loss.

I want to share something that I am sure I need not remind you of, but it is comforting to know:


The song "With Hope" is where I am directing you to. However, the entire album is very good. I pray that these songs provide you a spark of renewal, and a sense of comfort and consolation, as well as, a sense of God's loving and reassuring embrace.

I shall pray for you, your friend, the family and for all the patients that may be going through the same sense of loss and anxiety that you may be suffering.


Post by Guest » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:36 am

Thanks for your support. The problem is that he is too weak to make the advisement for the new associate. He had planned to do this, but for me, nothing was ever done. I hope that can find a good new therapish that deals with depression and anxiety.

Fr Bob


Post by Guest » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:57 am

Hi Bob,

I don't know if your Doctor has an office staff with which medical records can be forwarded. You will need that.

Finding a good Therapist can be challenging, but if you trust your health insurance provider, they should have a directory of provides, hopefully available on line, that specialize in the mental health area that you may want. In any case, if you go that route, you can place several calls from the providers directory.

My provider is Cigna and they have a huge directory, and can find those closest to you, then the telephone screening process begins for you. Usually these Therapist are not immediately available, but if they have patient openings they will call you back.

I know you can do this. You have the program under your belt. You have God at your side, and you have our support. I'd say the odds are stacked in your favor.

Take care

Mello Nello
Posts: 299
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:00 am

Post by Mello Nello » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:20 am

Tomorrow I start work with my new therapist. He was refereed by my former therapist who has had to give up his practice. After 7 weeks in the hospital battling various cancers, he decided that for the time being he couldn't continue to see patients. We had become very close, and I am still in some contact with his family. In a way, it's like a death watch - very depressing. The thing i dread the most however, is having to begin the process of sharing my story again. Have to stay positive remembering that God is bring us together.

Thanks for all of your support.


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