I need a little help

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:25 am

Post by Ms.Lizzy » Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:03 am

I have been batteling with anxiety for the past 4 years now. This year has been very stressful between my boyfiend being diannosed with MS, moving out and getting engaged. I have been experencingdepression the past month now and its scaring me. I always feel like im going to go crazy, I know that its part of anxiety but it feels so real. I just get so panicky. I dont even want to go to work anymore. My Dr. swears im not crazy and that I definalty do have anxiety,slight depression and maybe very minimual signs of bipolar. He think that it has to do with me needing to "grow up" After him telling me the whole bibolar thing last night I completly flipped out. I dont think I have it but what if he's right. He suggested that I try Zoloft. He said I dont have to take it because I am already taking xanax but it wouldnt hurt to try it. I am scared of the side affects. I know that Zoloft can increase anxeity. I am not willing to take that chance. Please give me some insight. I feel so lost.


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:00 am

Ms. Lizzy - I think you just have alot on you right now to deal with. First off, Zoloft may be your answer, but it may make you a little anxious at first, but that is usually very minor if the starting dosage is low. I think it will pass in a few days. I am sorry to hear that your boyfriend has MS, but I have friends who have done really well with the treatments for MS and they are able to do most things they want to. I would like to ask if you are on the program, since I see you have been registered since 2007? I think everything we accomplish and overcome makes us stronger in the end. Good luck with everything.


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:17 am

First Off, Don't fret over anything "you" can't control. You CAN Control Yourself and that is priority one. Put your Ex-boyfriend in the past where he belongs and you Will start to feel better. As far as your Doctor, most will bring up the popular word "bipolar" these days merely because they try to cover all the bases. This shows how much they don't understand about anxiety and depression. I was told everything under the sun and all it was was anxiety. This does not mean you have it and I doubt very much you do. Your Dr. is right when he or she says you are not crazy. You are merely going through a rough time in your life at the moment. You feel overwhelmed.
As far as the medicines, Xanax and I did not get along very well and I have tried Zoloft as well. It seemed to work for a Short while then nothing. The withdrawal symptoms from Zoloft are not worth trying it. (Electrical sensations in and around the face) It could help you but I will not take another myself.
If you have the program, I would recommend going back and doing sessions 1-4 as soon as possible to refresh yourself on what Anxiety really is and how to approach it. You may want to continue the sessions (recommended) after you get done with those first 4. I hope this helps and I will be Praying for you. God Bless! Wayne


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:49 am

Wayne it was not my ex boyfriend. Its the same boyfriend we just got engaged. ( I just wanted to clear that up)My dr. told me that comming off Zoloft was a breeze. lol Drs. these day I believe are just pill pushers. The Xanax I am on is time relased so its not as strong. I think I definatly will go over session 1-4. Its just so hard for me. Im 21 years old, out on my own just trying to make a life for myself and this anxiety always comes to kick me in the ass. lol. I think i'll be ok. I have the perscription in my bag and i have been continplating all morning if i should drop it off or not. I know i will be ok I'm just going through a rough patch. But thank you for all your suppoprt.

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