Support circle for depression

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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Post by pecos » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:25 am

Haven't been back here in a long time, but decided to drop in today because truly, life can be better for anyone after working this program. Arrived here a few years ago, too depressed to function. Four months later, was back in the game of my own life. Why does this program work? It works with how your brain works. Follow it, step by step, as it is supposed to be followed, and you will move yourself forward. The reasons for each CD, for the homework, for the routine you are asked to follow, are neurological. What's happening? You are laying down new healthy neuropathways in your brain. YOU are changing your thinking, and changing your brain. What's going on here is science, not theory, which is why it works. We are easing into Winter Holidays. Do this for yourself. Best wishes.

Struggling Mom
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Post by Struggling Mom » Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:10 am

Hi. I am a new returnee to this program. I can't seem to get past session 1 - 4. UGH! Hopefully I can do it this time. I am going to try to post online more frequently and see what happens. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks guys.

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Post by maryLa » Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:37 am

Hi Pecos. I too, am suffering from depression only. Of course, some stress and anxiety go are caused by depression. But my primary problem is depression. I've been struggling with it for many years. A few years ago, I was dianosed with Fibro, which made the depression worse. I am on Wellbutrin now which the med. I keep going back to. Everything else either doesn't work or it puts me to sleep or makes me fat. I would love more discussion on discussion. I'm with you Pecos.

workin hard
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Post by workin hard » Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:08 am

Hi there...I have never participated in a chat like this before. May need a while to catch on.
I working the AA& D program through a class through my insurance. It is bringing up some anxiety along with my depression issues. Using food for comfort the last few days. Could be hormonal as well.
I like the idea of connecting with others coping with and hopfully haviing some success with managing depression issues. Hope all out there are finding something to geel grateful for. The setting sun just hit my eye from my window and feels warm. I have felt chilly and sad today. Now a little more hopeful and grateful

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Post by noname_2520 » Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:24 am

Hi Everyone,
I am still stuck on session 1-4. It is so hard, Uugh! I am determined to break this ugly, bad habit. I'm been dealing with depression again, and i know it's because of my negative self talk. I have a list that i look over from time to time that i made up with a counselor at one time so this way i'll know what to say to replace the negative -it seems to help-it's quite a long list, but, it gives me an idea of how to replace a negative with a positive. Jupiter7

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Post by abilenejanet » Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:32 am

Hi, I am new to this program, I have been dealing with depression for most of my life. I have found that it has made me make a lot of wrong turns in my life because of it. I have had affairs when I was married and other destructive things in my life that add to my depression. I have trouble forgiving myself for the things I have done, that are against my morals. This is not easy to discuss, but I feel a need to bring these things out. I just can't seem to frogive myself for the things I have done.
This program is helping me to look at the positives in my life. I know I can't change my past, but I can change now. I need all the support I can get to keep myself motivated and do this program for myself & everyone around me.
Janet K. Whitworth

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Post by Philosophy » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:08 am

Good morning,
Yes, I totally concur. Would be much more advantageous to have a separate category for individuals suffering primarily from depression.

Many of the posts that I have perused are dealing primarily with anxiety which in many instances prompts depression.
Would appreciate one whereby depression is the proximate.
Thank you for hearing me out, and allowing me to chime in. Have a splendid day across the rainbow.

Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:48 am

Post by Philosophy » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:00 pm

Originally posted by uluvnic:
I wanted to share that I'm reading a book called "Natural Prozac: Learning to Release Your Body's Own Anti-Depressants." It's WONDERFUL!!! It digs very deep into what makes us depressed and what to do about it. I haven't finished it yet, but with every page I read, I get more and more hope that I WILL overcome this depression. And having hope again is a BIG DEAL! I'm sure many of you have felf hopeless, like me, so I would recommend this book. It's by Dr. Joel Robertson.

One of the best parts about the book is it explains why we relapse even if we are taking medicines. It's just great. And it wasn't that expensive. I got it on Amazon for I think less than $10. If you read it, let me know what you think!

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Post by kittykat655 » Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:02 pm

im depressed alllllll the time. im in

cream cheese
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Post by cream cheese » Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:30 pm

I slump into a down mood often. Its a full time job I would love to get paid for!@!! I would be a Trillionaire!! Hope I made someone chuckle out there. The great thing about his site is that we are NOT ALONE in this fight.
I found that continued reenforcement of positive thoughts will push the negative ones out of their own way. I try to think like a child at times. I sit and ponder about good things, and just try to think like I used to when I was young. when we are young we dont have all the nonsense in our heads like today..the needless worry which is useless energy that can be redirected. Its not easy, but we are admitting to ourselves that we need help and we are forging onward to a more healthy way of looking at life. creamcheesepuff

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