Idle Time & I'm alone to my negative thoughts..

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:25 am

Well, with a master's in Exercise Physiology:

I could teach on high school level

I could be a PE teacher

I could be a clinical exercise physiologist (work in cardiac rehab)

I could be a personal trainer

I could travel and be a guest lecturer on various topics in health, fitness, etc etc...

These are the career paths I know of definitively.. But there are other options that could occur.. I could make it on my own by promoting my business, be a fitness writer, write a book on exercise, training, body sculpting, etc...

I could do many things with a Master's...

I could go back to school and become a registered dietician..

I could go on for my doctorate and teach on a college level..

But the bottomline is: I am doing what is comfortable for me.. And rightly so, I'm already in an anxious state, what good is it to take that further?

I just have many issues going through in my head right now...

The best thing for me now is to stay at my current job: Be it no benefits, part-time hours and what have you... At least I'm making a 58k projected salary IF I worked 40 hours a week... But working ~18-20 a week, I will make around 28-31 k this year... I should get a raise next year for upgrading my qualifications from B.S. to MEd. in Exercise Physiology...

I do love what I do.. It's kind of the thing that has given me sanity... And yes it may something I cling to, but what's wrong with that? Some ppl work a career all their lives... Lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc...

I was planning on doing this for another 10 years, then at some point, going back for my doctorate and being a professor in this field...

But for now, I want to continue working, saving $$ and bettering myself...

I do feel fortunate to have a job and that I get paid decent and also that I am good at what I do...

But I sometimes feel burnt out and lack balance.. This is when I take time to try and rebalance myself mentally.. Going out on weekend, calling a friend, etc...

I appreciate the support... This is the most important thing to me.. SUPPORT... Just having someone LISTEN is therapuetic to me.


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:08 am

i cant workout how you start a new topic on this forum can someone help please


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:15 am

What do you mean? Just do to start new thread

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