Feeling so sad and nostalgic

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joy jenkins
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:27 pm

Post by joy jenkins » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:46 am

Hello everyone, I am trying hard to find my birth certificate, it's important that I find it, and came across lots of photographs of family, birthday cards etc. and realized that I have lost my 3 sisters and brother. Guess it is just overwhelming me and I can't stop crying. There are papers all over the floor, what a mess! I don't feel up to tidying up right now. I am certainly feeling better with the program but still terribly emotional and miss my family so much. It's wonderful that I can vent this to you, thanks so much for your support. I think I'll just try to relax now as much as I can, perhaps play the relaxation tape. Can anyone else relate to being so sensitive and emotional? I think I have always been like this but work kept me occupied and busy, and now I'm retired it does get lonely and too much time to think and reminisce. I do try to count my blessings because I know I have many of them but then I get these moments and it's tough. I'm just venting on you, thanks so much for listening. I'm sure I'll feel better soon.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:23 am

yes joy I can relate about the emotion and sensitivity. I am watching my mom slowly succumb to Alzhiemers and to see what it has done to her is heart breaking. I can't even express the feelings and I miss her. It seems as we get older there is so much loss. You will feel better but those moments still come so don't feel down on yourself when these memories do flash(and sometimes linger) in your mind. I keep track of yur posts and you seem like such a wonderful person.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:24 am

You have had a lot of losses, so it's understandable that you would take some time to grieve occasionally. But if it's overtaking your life, that's something else. It sounds like you retired recently. Moving from one stage of life to another can make you feel more vulnerable to sad feelings, too. I became an empty-nester and moved away from my church and all my friends in the past year, so I know. I think I will feel better when I join a church and get involved in that and/or some community group. Maybe something like that would be helpful to you, too. Best wishes.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:28 am

Hello Joy:
Yes , I know how you feel. I have lost my parents, 2 sisters and one brother.
I kept letters from those that I love. I keep them in a special box.
Once in awhile I get the box out and I read the letters. Of course I cry. And I let myself do it. I spend awhile missing them and remembering them and reading their words.
Then I put the box away again. I do that about once a year.

And yes, I do understand about the papers and things all over the floor. And how sometimes we just don't feel like putting things away.
That happens to me quiet frequently. But it is always still there the next day.

It is lonely when you are first alone with time on your hands. But eventually things begin to fall into place. Acceptance comes. Acceptance of our new statis in life.
Just be patient with yourself. It will get better, I think. I've never been in exactly your circumstance but I can imagine how difficult it is. You've lost everyone but some neices and nephews. And you are a long way from
them. But I have lived alone for 23 years.

My thoughts are with you. I pray that it gets easier.
Take your time. When you feel like resting , do so.
Glad you shared.
Mary Jane


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:59 am

Hi. I am new to the program, so this may not be any good advice or reasoning. That is my disclaimer. But I do fully understand the deep dk. blues (I've mentioned in another post). I am young, 27. And I often think that people have the thought with me that "You're young, what is there to be sad about....go live your life!" Yet, it is so difficult when you are such a feeling person. I have struggled with this for most of my life. I never really wanted to aknowledge it, or I guess it never really even occurred to me that it could be anxiety and depression...until the older I got, the worse it got. The anxiety contributed largely to my breakup with a guy I was so deeply connected to....and then of course the depression flooded in. And I do mean flooded. I work, so I would go (have to pay bills). But that never made me feel better...actually it often just made things much worse. I too, get in ruts of 0 motivation.
Yet I keep trying to tell myself that will only make me become obsessive with my racing negative thoughts.
My dog is my guardian angel. I know that the program sayd that we should be our safe place. But I really believe that when you feel so totally alone....a pet can help. She often helps me to get up and out and stop obsessing.
I have to admit though, there are some times when I am really out of it, that I begin to feel guilty for not getting up and out...like she'd be happier if she wasn't with me. But deep inside I know she is okay, she wants me to be okay.
Myabe a companion would help with the loneliness. Best luck to you, and know that I (and I'm sure many others) really understand. Try not to feel alone.

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