Suuuuuper sadness :-( Please help

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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Post by HappyAndLaughing » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:02 am

Okay. My name is Kim. I am nineteen years old and have been suffering with anxiety/depression since as far back as I can remember. I got this program when I was actually fifteen, secretly, through a friend. I've attempted to go through the program before, but in light of some recent events in my life I have really decided to give it a serious go.

I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years. I am really...I don't know? Eccentric, wierd, artsy? I guess you could say? I don't know, a lot of the time I am this outgoing, creative, happy person. And I met this guy and was really in love with him from almost the first day we spoke. We had had a crush on eachother for about a year and when we finally got to talking the sparks flew like mad. He really was the first person I had ever met that "got" me.

It wasn't happy all the time, he definitely has some anxiety/depression crap going on with him too. We are both so analytical and look so deeply into things, which can be good, but can also be damaging depending on the situation.

In about April of this year he started to go back and forth with me. We are at a confusing time in our lives so I kind of understood. He said he wasn't only confused with me but with everything in his life. Two months went by and I was miserable, sad all the time. This was the "love of my life!" wanting to leave me, and only sometimes.

The inevitable happened though, he left. I was so broken up that I went to see a girlfriend from work that night and met some of her friends, took drugs and drank like I shouldn't have. I couldn't deal with the pain.

Over that first week I started talking to this guy that I met through my girlfriend at work. He was super nice and full of life, so happy. I know that no one is happy all the time but this guy was so laid back and happy, really. He was just a breath of fresh air.

Then my boyfriend came back to me a week later, crying and carrying on how he had made the biggest mistake in his life. I had been high and drunk all week and had basically threw myself into the arms of this other guy to try to forget about him...I wasn't dealing with my problems in the right way (trust me, I see that now). Anyways, after all those months and esp. that week I had become SO CONFUSED out of HIS was awful.

I wanted to go back with him, we spoke and wanted to make it work so badly. But he was so upset all the time and freaking out it just reminded me of any bad times before. I went back and forth for a couple months and then things became physical with the other guy. I was disgusted at myself and kind of snapped out of it. I wanted my boyfriend back.

I told him everything, knowing full well that he may not want me back and I would of understood. But we got back together and I completely stopped talking to the new guy. We have been happy for a few months and went on a trip to Ohio to see The Mars Volta (fav. band!) and then he ended up deciding that he could never get over what happened.

We are split up.

We are both really upset and don't blame the other, but it hurts. He has made all these new friends and seems so happy and I'm so sad. I feel like I will never have love again, not that it defines me as a person...I just feel so alone.

I never made that many friends in high school and I'm commuting to college and know not one person there, my friends are all associated with him and he even WORKS WITH ME. I am a shift supervisor at Panera Bread and have been working there for two and a half years and got him the job there seven months ago. I really want to quit because it's just too hard.

I feel so alone and scared and I just don't know what to do. There's probably more to say but I can't even think right now. I've told my mother everything, including the sex and drugs and everything and she was sympathetic and has been helping me through a lot.

I'm just not sure, please post.

Kim :(
from Allen Ginsberg's "Kaddish":

"Strange Prophecies anew! She wrote--'The key is in the window, the key is in the sunlight at my window--I have the key--(...)--the key is in the bars, in the sunlight in the window..." ***Peaceful & Happy Days to you***

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Post by epa » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:39 am

You just have to take it one day at a time. Most of us have been through this and have all made it through. I know it is super tough (I remember) but it does get better, I promise!!

someone once said you need to be happy with yourself and where you are BEFORE you can be happy with someone else. I now see that very clearly now that I am older.

Keep taking care of yourself and going to school and working( maybe not where you are now). Find yourself and where you want to be, then work on finding that significant other.

YOu will be ok. It just takes time!
ATTITUDE -- The mind is like a doesn't work unless it's open!!


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:37 pm

I realize that more now....

that I have to be happier with me and find that with me...I know I need time for me...

but I feel like a terrible person, like I messed it all up, like I messed up my one chance with love

I feel so awful


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:01 am

You aren't alone. You feel like your heart has been broken. I think many of us here have felt that too. I know it doesn't make

Carolyn Dickman
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Post by Carolyn Dickman » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:15 am

it easier, but if you can grasp on to the hope that your heart will heal, you can be move forward!! You need time to find yourself.
There are so many wonderful people out there for you to meet. Who says there is only one person out there for you? I sure don't believe that.. and I know that for myself, there have been a few. You sound like a caring and sensitive person. Focus now on what makes you feel better. Find things that make Kim happy. They may be the smallest and most simple things. Take one day at a time and don't keep looking back.
Please be patient and kind to yourself. This is a life skill that will carry you far in life. You are deserving of great things. Marcie


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:35 am

Thank you so much to Lisalee and Marcie K for your responses...they mean so much to me.

I see all of what you are saying. I haven't been "single" for a very long time and got lost in some of my feelings because I wasn't only focusing on my happiness. I know that things happened the way that they did for the better.

I told my boss and fellow shift supervisors today that I am leaving the job until Christmas break. I will work full time over break and then probably go back to three days during my spring semester. Everyone thinks it a mature decision that I'm doing it to help myself out, and there is really no negativity towards me or my exboyfriend in the workplace. It's not that I can't work with him because we are mad at eachother, which we are's that it's just too hard right now.

I need some 'me' time anyways...I haven't had any in awhile.

Thank you so much.

So so much...

very very freaking much.


Also, I mentioned drug and alcohol use. It seems that a lot of people on these forums are very religious (I am not at this point in my life, but am very spiritual) and I was afraid to mention it. But, they are the facts and I am a human. Thank you also for accepting those facts.

Thank you!


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:57 am

Hello Kim!
I think you did the right thing to start this program. I know relationships can get real rocky.You need to take care of Kim right now.
Axiety can really be confusing even when we have the best relationships.Try taking a time out on the drugs and alcohol. They might make you feel better at the time but it never helps
in the long run.Just be thankful you are young and have a lot of life to live. Some young man will come along some day and you will have the skills you will need behind you to use them.
Believe me when I say things will get better. Paul


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:41 am

Hi Kim. Such excellent advice from everyone, I cannot improve on it. I will offer this about religion and spirituality. Both of my parents were mixed blood American Indians. I was brought up with those traditions (from two very different Indian cultures). Once when I was very young my paternal grandfather told me to pray (I don't recall for what or who). I asked him Who do I pray to? and he said, Whoever is listening. Our beliefs contribute to who we are, and there are no right or wrong beliefs. As long as what we believe is comforting, we are on the right trail.


Post by Guest » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:56 am

Firstly, to Paul.

Thank you so much for your comments. :) I have actually taken a big break from any alcohol/drug use. I was only using it as an escape, and it wasn't healthy. I see that now way more than I did when I was taking everything. It was self medication to the max, I didn't enjoy my summer and did terribly at work for those few months.

No time is completely wasted, it was all a lesson to me, hm?

Thanks. :D

And pecos!

Your response regarding religion was absolutely beautiful, it really explains how I can feel the subject. I will carry that with me. :D

Thank you both so much.

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