Understanding the over-sleeping issue

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joy jenkins
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:27 pm

Post by joy jenkins » Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:11 am

Hi everyone, I thought I couldn't let a day go by without writing at least one post! I must say I do so fully understand the sleeping too much issue that someone mentioned. When I look back I realize how bad I was at that, I was literally sleeping my life away. All a big escape from the painful reality of life at the time. I was taking ativan (lorazepam) then and I was abusing it for sure, I'd take quite a few just to knock myself out and sometimes I'd be in bed for days, eating very little too. When I look back at that time, I realize how much better I am now. I was weaned off the ativan, had a terrible time with anxiety, and was then put on clonazepam which I don't think is so addictive but it does take the edge off the anxiety, thank goodness. Must also mention how much I am enjoying the relaxation CD. I put it on before getting into bed and follow it through for one session, then just go off to sleep while it is still playing. I never seem to remember it going off so must fall asleep quite quickly. Does anyone have any trouble getting into the shower (I don't mean physically) but mentally! I literally have to force myself to have a shower these days, think it must be the effort of doing it because I feel pretty tired all the time. Anyway I managed to do it today and what a relief! Now I can relax and do other things without feeling guilty about having a shower and washing my hair! Feel a lot better too! Wish I could say I am feeling very well physically but I'm really not. Keep getting these nasty tummy aches and constant diarreah (it worries me). I am seeing a specialist in October, wish it was sooner. Perhaps its IBS but it is so constant and doesn't seem to be improving so not sure it is all related to stress. Will be glad to know what is going on with my stomach. Anyway, trying to end on a more positive note, I am getting up much earlier in the mornings, not sleeping so much, and enjoying the relaxation CD. Oh, by the way, Dr. Wayne Dyer was on T.V this afternoon. He is excellent, I only saw a little of the program because a friend called me, but he is so interesting to listen to.
Bye for today!
PS. How did you all get special names to use, I didn't figure that out so just used my own name.


Post by Guest » Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:27 am

I fear I may go the ativan route. Some things have happened and my mind feels shattered( I know that is negative but that is how I feel) I want to just take more ativan just to drift away to stop the pain but I know it is not the way to go.I listen to my tapes on positive self talk but like it is not sinking in. I thought it was till the other day. Maybe I have not really looked realistically at these situations in my life and have to realize no one can fix them. Oh well. sorry to ramble. Glad things are going better for you Joy. I always enjoy reading your posts.

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