Just want to share this triumph I had today

Do you have such high expectations of yourself and others that you’re constantly disappointed? Learn how to have realistic, reasonable expectations and be happier than you’ve ever been before.
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Post by jillzmind » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:34 pm

I work 2 days a week as a coordinator of a food bank at my church and early this morning my Pastor (and boss) haha called and said that he was not going to be there today, he had meetings out of town to be at but he wanted me to know that there was a TON of food to take in and frozen food donations that had to be taken care of and that I HAD to get that frozen food out TODAY since there is no more freezer space! I Panicked !! )(imagine that) and I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach and pukey and then I thought I will wake up hubby and make him go do it for me (he was asleep from working graveyard) and then I took a shower and thought "wait I can do this! I will call for backup from my volunteer roster! and I will breathe thru this and count and breathe some more and these People that come need food and I cannot let them down!!" and so I got in the car (still wanting to puke) and kept a bag nearby and cranked up the radio and inhaled 1...2...exhaled 1...2...3...4... a about 20 times haha and then I got there got everyone their job for the day and dove in. I MADE IT! I came home and hubby said he thought the tapes must be working since I didn't wake him up to ask him to go with and that I took control of my fears. I didn't expect that compliment from him. He said he sees it for sure.. I cannot tell you how hopeful that has made me feel. Especially after usually seeing his disappointment when I am too scared to go out at all.Anyway thanks for letting me rant and rave.



Post by Guest » Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:56 am

Hi Jillz,
You are not ranting and raving! You are sharing your success and triumph and that is not only great, it is important for others to know things do improve! Congratulations and keep up the good work. Every little step we take leads us to success with this program and in our lives. I hope you feel good and are proud of yourself for the strength and determination you showed!


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:11 am

Thank you for your encouragment. I appreciate it.



Post by Guest » Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:55 am

I am so proud of you! I also have hope for
myself. Look at how incredibly brave you were to face that stuff and get it done. Yea!

You know those prison escape movies where
someone escapes and the other prisoners go nut
cheering for him? THat's how I feel. I feel
like you've escaped this prison of anxiety and
I am cheering you on because it shows me that
I can also escape.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:26 am

thanks for the encouragment! I like that example of a prisoner. It seems like honestly that day I almost felt like a prisoner that escaped unaware.Hahaha On my "getaway" but noone ever caught me?! You will be free too, working the program is really helping me. One step at a time.
Thanks for caring !



Post by Guest » Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:18 am

wow, you are a true inspiration for me,you dove in,i have been posting that too new people, but i dont know if i actually believe i could do it myself, i start a new job in about a month,and i have been out of work awhile,so theres that fear can i actually do this again, and that those thoughts of im not good enough,will i be able too,etc. another words i talk a good game because im home safe doing the tapes,but can i actually do it myself when its moment time.jillzmind, i guess im just gonna have too dive in.thanks, keep posting.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:11 pm

There was a quote that I found very helpful that was posted by Lee a while back and it's appropriate for this week 4
"Expectations are just pre-meditated resentments" I think I would change it slightly to say Unrealistic Expectations. But in anycase its those stinkin thinkin expectations that cn choke the life out of me and scare me from even doing anything at all. So I am challenging those "expectations" and hoping to get some more victories there.
hugs to all,



Post by Guest » Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:34 pm

Hey Jilly...congrats on overcoming your fear and taking the "bull by its horns" hahaha...

Awesome job...keep it up!!

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