setbacks in session 4-any advice

Do you have such high expectations of yourself and others that you’re constantly disappointed? Learn how to have realistic, reasonable expectations and be happier than you’ve ever been before.
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Post by lcshell » Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:49 am

Hi everyone, I was supposed to start session 4 last sunday, on the 31st of august. I delayed because I spent the weekend with my boyfriend. I have not yet told him I am using it although he knows about my anxiety, he doesn't really know how bad it can be for me. I'm sure hed be supportive if I told him, but , I haven't yet. Any way I started it on Tuesday sept.2nd and I really was enjoying session 4. I had some friends come into my life and distract me so here it is supposed to be day 7 of session 4 and I'm only on day 4. I'd like to add that these friends are actually contributing to my issues with their negativity! It is actually physically draining and very annoying to be arround them. I do not like these people I just entertained them this weekend for the sake of being able to visit with their children, whom I have adoered since they were babies. I tried to end this relationship before starting the program as I could see how I felt. They came to me wanting to renew our friendship. I guess my qustion would be 1) how to get back on track with the program? 2) what to do about the negative thinkers that want to be a constant part of my life and drive me crazy. 3) how to tell my boyfriend about the program, you know words to break the ice and introduce my issues for what they are. I have already learned so much this far and I'd be greatful for any suggestions
Do your best today and see what the next day brings


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:05 am

I can feel your pain.I also had some setbacks.I have friends and family that are very negative which causes more anxiety.Which makes it harder for me to follow the program.I wish you the best.Stick with the program, we both know we can get over these issuses! Take care!!


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:31 am

You can go back in the program any time you
you need to. Review and go over any session
you have gotten to.
Being around negative people sure can be annoying.If it drives you that crazy you might
concider not hanging out with them.
Find a quite moment with your boyfriend. Just explain to him that you have anxiety issues you need to work on.Let him listen to There For You.If he was any person at all he will support you thru this.
I wish you well, Pauroa58


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:05 pm

Thanks you guys for replying, I also have spent this afternoon surfing around these forums which has also helped me gain some insight. I am getting back on track, going to do my session 4 workbook! Thanks again


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:30 am

Hi lcshell,
Had the same thing just happen to me on Sunday..I had plans to do session 6 and we had people we met drop by. They are just new aqaintances but seem to be very nice people. The day turned into dusk before they left. While we enjoyed the company I was getting upset about my session not being done. old ways had popped back for a bit and I told myself it was no big deal I would just do it the next day. Which I did.

Now so far as the negative people go...we had met a man..he just stopped by one day to look at a car we have...we spent time with him..his wife had just left him..we helped him this man had so many unpleasant ways about him..said nasty things, had a foul mouth constantly, had a few good qualities but after weeks of him stopping by and saying rude remarks about anything and everything I had enough. He said one too many bads and my husband left him a message saying " I need to talk to you man to man " well this guy never did return his call..of course. He would have been told he was no longer welcome on our property and I guess even without being told he knew from my husbands tone on the phone message we didn't want him around anymore. He was so TOXIC...the last thing we needed. I no longer have to listen to it...THANK GOD!!

It's so hard to get ourselves on the right track and we don't need TOXIC people around us. If these people are driving you crazy that isn't helping you so somehow you have to get rid of them...not easy I know..the right answer or time will prevail itself to you and then you can just say NO. If you decline teir company enough maybe they will get the feeling they really aren't what or who you want to be with. Good Luck with that issue. We are so hard on ourselves but we take a lot from others for fear of hurting their feelings or even reprocussions after telling them to go away. That was a problem I had with that guy...he scared I put up with it.

If your relationship with your boyfriend is a long term one then really you should be comfortable enough to tell him and if he's a stand up guy he will support you and perhaps watch and listen with you if that's something you would like. It's better to find out what he's made of sooner than later.

Always just my 2 cents worth.

Do the program, don't worry if you miss a day or's just important to take your time with it and who cares how many weeks it takes so long as the results are there. it's not a race for anyone here. It's just about doing it, never quit!!

Best Of Luck on your journey. :)

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