thoughts of death :(

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thoughts of death :(

Post by isabel001 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:28 pm

has anyone of you feel like you are going to die? something bad/terrible is going to happen to you? someone is going to attack or kill you? or has anyone of you thought of losing your mind and killing/harming yourself?
well... im sure i love myself and my body but most of the times it passes my mind and it scares me to death!!!!!!! scary thoughts!!!!!

if anyone experiences this stuff and scary thoughts then just SPEAK UP!!!! :)

i would be so happy to hear your stories

and btw, IM SCARED OF KNIFE and i don't know why!!!!

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Re: thoughts of death :(

Post by pamelaputman » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:05 pm

I get that way when I am overwelmed with negative thoughts or to many things to do. I would not kill myself but sometimes I feel like it would be better to be dead then suffer the rest of my life. Hope this helps. You are not alone!

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Re: thoughts of death :(

Post by dancedream » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:44 am

Hi Isabel,
I had thoughts of death about 2 weeks ago, the anxiety was so overwhelming I just wanted to sleep and never wake up. But, it is all a symptom of anxiety. I love life! I would never be able to kill myself, but its just these racing thoughts, and you just have to remind yourself that they are just thoughts. Thoughts are like the wind, they come and go, just dont catch them and dwell on them. Dont ask yourself " why am I having these thoughts?!" that only makes things worse, just accept them and know that they cant harm you. They are only thoughts.

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Re: thoughts of death :(

Post by brookflower » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:09 pm

Yes, I've had thoughts that I want to kill myself, that I'm going to die. Last Christmas, I went so far as to buy everybody big Christmas presents (3-6 times more than I usually spend) got my grandson a $400 dollar present for birthday this May (usually only spend $50)) because I felt that I would die before Christmas 2011. Guess, I want to make sure they remember something good, even if it's just the last present I gave them. Scary as heck. I'm here today and I don't have any scary thoughts today. I sometimes have to take one day at a time. When I get real depressed, I work like heck to rise above that and sometimes it takes time, but I've always come through it. I can't say that it will never happen again, but I will get through it.

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