I need self confidence!

Learn how to comfort yourself, encourage yourself, and like yourself. This session is chock-full of POWERFUL tools for taking charge and changing your life for the better.
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Post by Katie_Lee18 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:23 pm

Some days I feel good about myself, but when I'm alone. Then some days when I'm around people, I feel really ugly and look at all the gorgeous girls around me and think wow why can't I look like them? I feel like they're better than me, and I feel really small. How can I stop feeling like this, and feel tall in a crowded room?

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Post by creamcheese » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:40 pm

I think most of us feel this way in some situation or another in our lives Katie....we are all in a society which goes by glamour, fashion, money, power and high status....but there is a change coming. If you feel this way being with other people than these people are the wrong people FOR YOU. You must feel at ease, comfortable and welcome by those that are keeping you company. I felt this way for a very long time because I was a country mouse not a city mouse. I sought out what I yearned in my life and now I am here. I feel more comfortable and more at ease with the people I am around now. Hope this helps. And the beauty comes from within.....and if the people around you make you feel uncomfortable or Ugly like you say....then you must find out why you feel this way about yourself.do they snicker or talk behind your back, or are you making this assumption you arent good enough for them??

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Post by Paisleegreen » Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:05 pm

Hi--I had a good friend on a website tell me when I had feelings like this, is to go where people smile when they see you. A friendly smile, not fake. Many people that are gorgeous looking, either pay good money for it, or are born with it.

Even the beautiful have low self-esteem. That's why many are anorexic or do outrageous behavior. They need attention and their looks aren't enough for them. There are many women that are beautiful inside and out, but they don't focus on themselves.

They are out there, mixed in, and it doesn't help to have the TV blaring at you all day long that you need to buy this and that to feel beautiful.

Just know that you are unique and as college professor pointed out, we all have so many different chromosomes that none of us is a like. And everybody ages...there is no stopping that either.

I never thought my Grandmother was ugly, she was Grandma. All we can do is the best we can with what we have. Treat your body well, keep it healthy the best you can, and live life the best you can with what you have.

Also set some goals for yourself to achieve to feel better about yourself. Just like what Lucinda talks about on her CDs. There will always be someone better looking than you and someone not as good looking.

And as you start to feel better about yourself you won't notice the difference as much. You will be more concerned about how others are feeling than yourself. That's when you are really healing. :)

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