These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Post by NinjaFrodo » Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:05 pm

Karen L
Its really amazing how you are facing your limitations. It seems to me that with the right kind of support and the focusing on the positives you get that motivation you need to grow and face those limitations, would you agree with that? Your circumstances haven't changed, the people around you haven't changed but you have people around like you that are struggling with the same things and are sharing their positivity and your attitude is changing. At least this is how I see it. I think you are doing wonderful!

Oh and yes that interview went well and she decided on the spot that I was suitable for the group so I start on the 18th. I really agree with you with the knowledge aspect. I honestly thought for the longest time that everybody else had life figured out better than I did, even the other people who have went through problems similar to mine but as time goes by and as I get more involved with councellors and therapy, I have started to realize that I really am very unique in my perception and knowledge. I will reach many people, I will impact many lives and I will make a diffrence in this world. Oh and people already tell me diffrent but if they are the ones thinking about me in a negative way then it is their problem not mine because they are the ones bothered by me.

Sounds like things are going really well for you. Its always nice to make changes around the house especially with new paint! You know one of the last places I lived at I was allowed to paint my room so guess what color I choose...I made it Slime/Emerald Green, it was pretty cool!

And Oh Steve Martain...he is awesome! Thank you

I have asked a friend who wants to be an entertainer and really enjoys being silly and funny for help in our project. I asked him if he can post links up for some of his videos on here and he has agreed. I'm really excited for that and hey maybe in the future you'll get to see some movies from me...I actually already have one on youtube, its a funny little skit. And hey if you have people on your facebook or friends that you know that are really funny and inspiring or exciting...get them in on this too...ask them to help you find some positive material! This is a great way to connect with others and build friendships!


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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:00 am


Post by NinjaFrodo » Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:37 pm Cute Video of 2 twin babies having a conversation ... RGJ-f0zN_c Free Hugs in LA! Inspiring! Funny Animals!


Karen L
Posts: 181
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:09 pm


Post by Karen L » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:10 am

Mike.....thanks for posting the action assignment.....I will try to post it each week, but if its not up by Tuesday or Wednesday I may need a hand :) sound very upbeat!! great!! omg that video is too funny....1979 n he still looks n acts the same lol

still working everyday on my distance limitations, all is good here :D
yesterday I had some built up issues with a friend and decided to confront him.....I was honest, but a bit aggressive, looking back I now see that I need to work on the assertiveness.....this is the first time ever that I acknowledged a situation like I am very proud of myself :D well, not for the aggression, but for the realization lol
we mutually apologized today but decided to take a break from our friendship...and I feel very good about this decision :)

having a great time with the girls while they are on vacation....did some cooking, baking, n Easter egg coloring...I am sooo surprised at 15 n 13 they still want to color eggs lol....but Im enjoying while it lasts :D

well.....I still havent stop the chocolate here as I see this is one of the action assignments.....I really need to work on this, my motivation will be knowing that I eat about 500 cal a day in chocolate and that this is not helping me lose weight lol :D
I really like the filters for my cigarettes..its only been about 4 days but I am coughing less and feel like Im breathing better....
other action assignments:
as far as the exercise I am working out 3 times per week with weights and cardio....and I am trying to stay active on the other days......rain still is disrupting my yardwork.....hasnt been nice out since last Friday :(
I do need to start a morning meditation......Im still doing the relaxation tape every night at bedtime and I love it :D
I am getting better with catching myself when I am not in the present moment :)
I always have been a fast mover, but am trying to slow down, especially with driving :)
so far so good :D

Karen L
Posts: 181
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:09 pm


Post by Karen L » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:23 am

Mike..........I really do feel great about my accomplishments lately...empowered is actually a very fitting word :D
I completely agree that focusing on the positives really helps.....before I think I was so wrapped up ion my negatives I didnt see my positives...also, I think it really helps accepting the fact that I am the one that creates my anxiety...I always wanted to blame others before but I have been slowly learning that I do indeed have to take responsibility for my own feeling.....I cant control others, but I can control how I react :D thanks for all the positive support :D
so you start May 18?? that is awesome!!! Im so glad to hear that you are starting to see and accept what a special gift you really will impact many positively :D
going to go check out your links :)

Karen L
Posts: 181
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:09 pm


Post by Karen L » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:33 am

Mike..........excellent videos!!!! my daughter watched them with me......we want to do the free hugs....this might be a goal for me :D also loved the animals, just so cute!!! thanks for sharing :D

Posts: 1263
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Post by NinjaFrodo » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:24 pm Inspiring song for change! Quadraplegic guy who is talking about being greatful and who is really enjoying life...So very Inspiring! He talks about how we feeling worthless and how we focus on what we don't have...This guy has no arms or legs and is enjoying life and if he can reach that point then so can we! ... ure=relmfu Funny Mango Video!

Karen L
Your welcome and if you haven't done it by tuesday afternoon I'll post it tuesday evening.

You know even though you were a bit aggressive you still did it! You have alot of anger built up over all the pain you have suffered and I wouldn't hold it against you to let some of that out the way you have. If you didn't do that, you would probabbly blow up! Its a coping mechanism and a way of emptying out that emotional glass when we let out some of those feelings and many times it even comes out even without us being consciously aware of that. It might not be the "nice" thing to do but it is a very natural response and I think you did great! Especially with deciding to take a break from a friendship! One of the things I've noticed is that we really need that sense of belonging and sometimes we might even give up some of our wellbeing to get that but you choose to take care of yourself instead and thats when you know you matter to you and thats when you know what you are doing is the right thing :)

I can definately see that you are putting the effort into this! Keep up the good work! And I'm glad you enjoyed the videos! I would love to do the free hugs one day! Maybe everybody in this group could one day get together and host a free hugs thing in person at some city or even better a global free hugs day!

Ok so I have messaged a few people and have told them about our project and asked for their help. I have also made a facebook event in order to get everybody's attention on my friend's list so I am really excited about that and excited about what might come of this and the responses I get and the videos as well. I wanna make this as big as I can if you feel comfortable I would suggest you share this project with anybody you feel it might benefit as well!

Keep on smiling!


Posts: 1263
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:00 am


Post by NinjaFrodo » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:47 pm

Ok so I have made a change now. The Venting thread (Letting Go Thread) doesn't seem to be appealing at all. I'm thinking that it is likely the wording (kinda like in THH's video about the power of words) and so I created a diffrent thread with a slightly diffrent purpose.

The Thread is called "Your Not Alone". In this thread people can talk about their suffering in great detail. They can talk about the negative stuff in great detail if they wish and they can check out videos that help give relief as well as connect with other people about their stuff. Its a place for people to go when they are feeling extremely down and need some relief. Great place to go if you are having a bad day and you just want to unload all the crap there. I'll be posting a variety of diffrent types of videos on there that aren't as positive as the ones here. We are all on diffrent levels with our anxiety and depression and mood and so my goal is to make this project able to get at each of those diffrent levels kinda like the Emotional Scale process I've been talking about.

Here is the link: ... 52&t=25139

I will still keep the other link available but that one will be more for figuring stuff out kinda like we do on paper.


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Post by THH » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:46 pm

Hi everyone!
Kitchen is finished! I had a little trouble with someone being in my house early in the morning making a mess, ( I'm not a morning person) and being not able to do my " normal routine" for 4 days. The 4th day I was getting grumpy and tired of cleaning up. I stayed in the moment, not looking towards Sunday and all that entails. One day at a time. Today I felt myself overtired, not being able to focus as well. And looking forward to the contractor to wind this project up. I'm done!( and so are you! LOL...) LOL...
The kitchen is great, nice clean ceiling, great lights. Happy!
I am enjoying that moment, not thinking of all the other stuff I have to do. I have given myself permission to not stress about getting all ready for the holiday. Everyone knows what I have been through this week, and they all want to come to my house. So how ever it will be by Sunday that is what it is! LOL... Less stress for me this way. I usually do that to myself! I am going to have fun with it.
Happy Easter everyone!

where did you buy those filters? Sounds promising...
I like Steve Matrin too!

You videos were great! The little twins was very cute. I think they really understood their conversation! I love animals so I really liked that one as well.

Karen L
Posts: 181
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:09 pm


Post by Karen L » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:08 am

great evening.....had all my kids, their significant others, grandson, parents, sister, and a bunch of kids over for a family get-together with pizza :D was a very nice n laid back evening :D are you dealing well with everything!! Im glad to hear everything is done and you are enoying it!! Easter will be great for you :D Im suppose to go to my parents, which I havent drove that far in about 1 Im optimistically looking forward to it.....but not putting any pressure on myself....will just see how it goes
the filters are called nic-out.....they have them on ebay and amazon at a decent price....pack of 30 filters for about $6 shipped.....if you buy more they get cheaper, but I only bought 1 pack to try at first......I like them so I bought 5 packs for about $12 on ebay....1 filter lasts me about 7-9 cigarettes (Ismoke lights) 2-3 filters per pack of cigarettes..hope this helps :D

we cant control others, but we can control how we react to others :D

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Joined: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:02 am


Post by mcshope » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:14 pm

Today is my Birthday.... :)
I have a few plans for today, I will be posting a later.

Have a great day


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