Time for session 2

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Time for session 2

Post by Rsmry » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:25 am

Now I've started session 2....... It suggests doing the thing I've been avoiding(sigh). But I will do it. going to Walmart has been one of my struggles. But I need food lol. so I think I'm gonna give the program a try. I'm thinking it may be a quick stick to my list trip. I over think things so the "what if's" have started. Staying in my moments is a work in progress. I take care of my Mom who is in very poor health, so worry is like a constant companion. She was in the ER night before last and I can say the breathing 1...2.. :) really worked for me. And my fears are a whole other issue. But I still have the hope for better days. :? Part 2- I didnt make it to walmart. Feeling sad cause cant do simple things(i fail). really I hate it! Got in my truck an went to the little store down the street. picked up meds for my mom at the drive through pharmacy. soft tire had to put air in it, everything was a struggle. Still trying to beleive I can be better. Gonna keep with the program things have to change!

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Re: Time for session 2

Post by ahight » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:18 am


I know how you are feeling about hoping for better days, so am I! I have a lot of fears as well and I am taking baby steps but I really feel like this program is going to one day help me to overcome this disorder.. I can't wait for that day!!! I haven't had to use the breathing in an anxious situation yet but I am so glad to hear it worked for you! Whenever I practice the 2, 4 breathing I get a bit more anxious, does this happen to you? I'm sorry about your mom, I bet that is hard not worry with all the stress you are under! I wish you luck on your next attempts :D Keep me updated!

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Re: Time for session 2

Post by Iwillbebetter » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:11 am

Rsmry - I think she says that she will soon be telling you to go out and start facing your fears. I think she wants you to work on one or two more of these skill first. Mainly like your example, you wanted to make it to wal-mart but didn't. Now you are not happy with yourself for not making it. You should be proud you even tried. You did get in the car and made it the pharmacy!!
I didn't start until the next session (positive self-talk) after being reminded that NO attempt is a failure, So what if you didn't make it as far as you wanted at least you got somewhere...
Ahight, I also had trouble with the relaxation CD. Especially with the breathing, it also made me more anxious. I am now thinking maybe I was to focused on the breathing and getting it just right... I decided that I do need to learn to relax, but I don't think that was the way for me to learn. So I got am exploring other options. I got my own relaxation CDs with the "nature" sounds in the background. I also got a book on meditation I would say that has helped the most!! :)

Once I thought there was no hope for me!! I thought I was having a nervous breakdown and nothing would help me. Figured eventually I would break down and they would have to put me away.... I now see that is NOT the case!! Although I am not better I am sure on my way!! This is my 2nd attempt though... I only made it 1/2 way the first time and have realized the main reason is that is because I didn't beleive!!! I didn't beleive in myself!! I saw the changes I was making but still mangaged to tell myself I couldnt' do it!!! I guess I am just saying to make sure to keep a open mind and BELIEVE in YOURSELF!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
"Only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again, and it's a cirlce, circling around again it comes around again...."

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