starting again

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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starting again

Post by mmwillie928 » Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:14 pm

i already went through this program once, and found great help in it. i am a slow climber and this program has taught me to be patient and compassionate with myself. im not always there, but as long as when i recognize myself being down on myself, as long as i pick myself back up and keep going, that is all i need and all that matters.
i am glad to be reviewing the program again, and hope to grow from everyone else and to help others along the way as well.

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Re: starting again

Post by jaredp07 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:30 pm


I too am going at this for the second time. I did the program about 8 years ago and it helped me tremendously. I have since had some life changes and recently felt anxiety and depression creeping in again, so I reordered the program. I think I just got lazy and too busy to keep myself in check. If you feel like sharing, I am curious to hear of your experience in going through it the second time. I am glad I'm not the only one and I hope you are too. I wish you the best and I will take any advice you can give me. If you need someone to talk to about this along the way, I would be happy to share my experience as a fellow "veteran" of the program.


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Re: starting again

Post by mmwillie928 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:06 pm

hi Jared,
good to hear from you!
I think it would be great to share with you, especially since we are in the review process.
I hear what you say about not taking the time to keep yourself in check. I get that sense of urgency like i need to have the answers this split second, but it is just not so. I have to constantly remind myself to slow down, I don't have to have it all right now or have it all done right now either.
going through the 2nd week again on panic attacks and the six steps, it has been a good refresher as to how we need to say "it's ok, it's just anxiety" and accept it instead of fight it, then go to what is bothering me, positive talk, etc. I am glad they have the cards. i carry them in my wallet and i hope i pull them out more often. also, just to hear Lucinda say that you don't have to label your anxiety as a panic attack to use the 6 steps, it can be just any anxious episode, cause that seems to be where I come from. just a lot of lil anxiety sometimes mounting to bigger. but i have to tell you, with the tools from the program i have seen the improvement in my life and i am excited to review. i want to do an even better job 2nd time around, i want to be more serious about it in other words.
so what is your story?

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Re: starting again

Post by jaredp07 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:33 pm

I can relate to much of what you are saying. In addition to the generalized anxiety and sense of urgency, one of my biggest problems seems to be making decisions. I spend so much time debating and getting worked up about what all I need to do, that I get nothing done! One of the life changes I have made is to take a job requiring me to work from home. I thought I would like it, but it requires self discpilne and time mangement skills that I definitely lack. I am hoping this review will help me strengthen those areas of my life.

I want to take it more seriously this time too. Last time I barely did the homework, but got alot out of the tapes. This time, I am trying to be more thorough, without being too hard on myself. In addition to the new job that hasn't really panned out like I was expecting, I recently moved and I am pretty lonely, especially with this condition. I do feel like things are getting better though. I started reading What to Say When you Talk to Yourself, by Shad Helmstetter (recommended reading by Lucinda). It goes into greater detail about Positive Self Talk, which we are about to get into in session 3. For me, this was a very inportant lesson the first time around and something I want to condition myself to do for the rest of my life. To me, its a good foundation to prevent you from going back into the old habitual way of thinking. I am also signed up for a life coach this time, although I haven't had a session with him yet. It was pretty expensive, but like I said, I want to get it right this time. Just curious if you considered that. I figure I can try a few sessions and if it's not helping I can get my money back.

Anyway, thats it for me right now. I am going to get outside and enjoy this nice day. It's sunny in Dallas, TX. Where are you writing from?


Posts: 71
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Re: starting again

Post by mmwillie928 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:49 pm

hi Jared,
sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I tend to be off and on about getting online.
i can totally relate to what you were writing.
yeah, it can be lonely in this condition, but I have also been encouraged at times, when I have noticed myself take a small chance that before I went through the program I wouldn't have taken.
how much is it for a life coach anyway? i know i had spoken to someone on the phone a while back and they told me and i know it was quite expensive.
i was thinking about ordering that book by Shad Helmstetter, but i wasn't sure about it so i ordered one by DAvid Burns called When Panic Attacks. please let me know what you think of the Helmstetter book. I might get that in the future. Amazon is my friend when it comes to ordering a book lol. right now i am in the middle of a book i read before called You Can Be Happy No Matter What by Richard CArlson. I have read it in the past and it was an eye opener for me as far as our relationship to our thoughts. i read it a while before i had ordered the program, but it goes along so well with the program that i thought i would read it again.
congrats on the new job! i know what you mean about having a lack of self discipline and then sometimes beating yourself up. i do that myself and it is a habit i am trying to work out of. i work alot on changing negative dialogue to positive. like you, i found it to be a huge development in my life. i am still on week 2. got set back a little, and yesterday decided to review lesson 1.
it is spring up here. i live in NH. we are getting buds on the trees and some nice spring it is snowing though lol. that is NEW england in the spring for you. never know if you will hop from a spring day to a lil winter thrown in. it's ok though. i dont mind.
well i gotta get ready for work. really good to hear back from you. ttyl

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