Hard time giving up caffeine

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Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by knitthis » Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:16 pm

Is anyone else having a hard time giving up caffeine? On the whole, I don't drink too much, about 2-1/2 cups per day, and I'm slowly weaning myself off as suggested, but I didn't realize how much I depend on that morning cup of coffee. I crave it when I wake up in the morning, and then mid morning after it has worn off. I have quit caffeine in the past, but this time it seems harder. And chocolate too. That's a tough one as well. I understand why we should stop. It does give me a nervous energy that doesn't help anxiety. But I guess I'm just used to it now. Anyone else in the same boat?

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Re: Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by clw14k@gmail.com » Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:45 pm

Absolutely!!! I have 2 Cokes a day and am having a hard time giving it up... I have made that soda a morning habit for so long! We can do it though, just take baby steps! I'm down to one a day... Trying! Good luck : )

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Re: Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by tommy_riley » Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:39 pm

I have never been a big coffee drinker - but I would usually have one in the morning. I would also have 1-2 regular caffinated sodas a day.

I decided one day in November of last year to give up all caffeine and now I might have a diet coke once a week or perhaps a half cup of regular coffee once a week. Other than that I do not do caffeine at all. One thing that helps me in the morning is to have a decaf coffee/latte/etc. it still tricks my body into thinking I got what I needed and I wake up, but don't get the nervous jitters that come along with the caffeine. I'm sure it will be harder for others who rely on caffeine more than I did...

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Re: Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by caveman0721 » Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:06 pm

I have the same thing for tea & sweets, but my original goal before starting the program was to stick to 2 smoothies/day made from hemp protein powder which I know will help me with all this.....hemp is high in essential fatty acids & amino acids & protein & will balance out cravings...I know based on using it...albeit irregularly in the past....you might give it a chance, as I need to on a regular basis too !!!! Good luck....also I know that regular exercise as the course suggests will help also....

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Re: Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by ajskd068 » Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:32 pm

I am with u! I am also having a hard time giving up coffee. But I have been alternating everyday from decaf to caffeinated. If it's caffeinated I'm trying to only drink half a cup. Most of us know how hard it is when you've been drinking coffee x amount of times a day for years. The way I see it, coffee is such a small sacrifice to a life-long change.

Pauly J
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Re: Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by Pauly J » Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:36 pm

When I was at my worse I not only cold turkey cut out caffeine, I also quit smoking, alcohol, and anything sweet, like chocolate! Now that I am better, I am back on the bad habit, except for the alcohol, thinking of quitting smoking again, too!

pauly j

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Re: Hard time giving up caffeine

Post by marialuv19 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:31 am

I know how you feel. That morning cup of coffee is hard to give up--it helps me go to the bathroom--I'm actually drinking one right now, but it is the only cup I will have all day. I quit smoking and I also don't eat sweets the way I used to because my nutritionist informed me about what SUGAR DOES TO OUR BODIES. When she told me that they were probably the cause of my panic attacks and depression I started to take her advice and get off the sugar. She gave me a vivid description of what happens in the body when you consume sugar---the sugar fights with vitamins and minerals to get in your cells and the SUGAR WINS depleting your body of essential minerals and leaving you depleted---which can cause many health problems including anxiety and depression.

What I would try if I was you is to mix your coffee with half decaf--so that the entire cup is not caffeinated. That could be a great start for you to decrease the amount of caffeine in your body---eventually you can quit all together if you want.
What I have noticed when quitting smoking or sugar is that the beginning is always tough--but after 2 weeks you don't crave it as much anymore. I personally think sugar is the worst thing for your body but MODERATION IS THE KEY.

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