Can't stop shaking

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:13 am

I'm on week 2 of the program. I had a setback this morning. Ever since I woke up, I can't stop shaking. It's Sunday now and I go back to work on Monday after being on vacation for a week. The thought of going back is terrifying me. I thought that I'd be ok, but I'm not. I was doing so well. Now it feels like it's 1 step forward and 2 steps back. This shaking is making me feel weak. I grabbed something to eat about an hour ago, but it's sitting like a rock in the pit of my stomach. I don't know what to do ?

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Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:24 am

Post by diesel48 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:36 am

Sorry to hear this but yes you do know what to do!!!
You need to distract your mind in any way you can and live in each moment and not any further.

Listen to the relaxation tape/cd, watch something you enjoy on tv, talk calmly and peacefully to yourself. Just do whatever will take your mind off of tomorrow.

You are worrying about something that has not yet happened and filling your mind with scary thoughts and releasing way too many hormones into your can stop through our PM' much info is there for you.

Take some nice deep breaths and keep doing this to calm yourself down. BREATHE in through your nose slowly but deeply and slowly out through your mouth...this works very well. While doing this picture a calm scene or a happy time and just relax.

PM me if you need to. I'll be home the rest of the day.

Your Friend


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:38 am

Have you been listening to the relaxation tape? Try listening to this several times in a row until you can get your breathing to slow down. This is simplistic, but forcing yourself to take a long slow walk helps a great deal. If this is a panic attack get out the cards that were sent with the program and read over how to stop a panic attack.


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:53 am

Hi Manofmusic, I can see from your post that you are very scared right now. Try really hard to do your breathing. Take your breaths slowly and relax. You've been away from work for a few weeks so of course, because of this disorder you are feeling the fear of getting back into the routine. What you are feeling is being caused by your thoughts. Remember they are only thoughts. You can change them. Get back to replacing the fears with truth. The truth is you can go to work and be fine. You've done it before. You are letting yourself believe you can't do this, but you absolutely can! You are safe. This is only anxiety rearing its ugly head again. Put it in its place. Feel the feelings, but change your thinking. Be kind to yourself. Take it easy today. Look forward to tomorrow with excitement toward the change in your routine instead of the fear. Picture what you are afraid of as floating away on a cloud. Just watch it leaving you in your mind's eye. I have felt what you are feeling right now. I really understand. Refuse to let this negativity guide you. Insist on turning this around. You are strong and resilient. You are special and well able. You are okay. You will go to work tomorrow and be fine because God has blessed you with the courage to do it.

Wake up tomorrow with your fear in your back pocket. I promise by the time you are a few hours into your day, it will fall out and you will step right over it!

I look forward to hearing about how you were able to get through your day tomorrow. It is never, ever as bad as our negative thinking makes it seem.

Get some good sleep tonight and believe in your strength. It's yours for the asking.



Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:27 am

Thank you for the responses. I went for a walk. I only intended to go for about 20 minutes, but it turned into an hour. I had the music playing on the mp3 player. I felt good after the walk. When I got home, my next door neighbour was outside,(she's in her 80's) so I went over. The first thing out of her mouth was "Are you ok ? You're looking kind of pale !" My good feelings went away. I started to panic. I excused myself and came inside. I'm going to listen to the relaxation tapes now. (Maybe a few times). I'm going to do week 2 over again. I still feel like a knot is in my stomach, but it's not as big as it was this morning. Thanks again for the encouragement.


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:15 am

Hey manofmusic,

maybe your elderly neighbor has time think about that and have a little inner chuckle. No I don't mean every elderly person has cataracts,nor do I think cataracts are funny, not meaning any offences to anyone, just trying to make a funny to give manofmusic a lighthearted look at the comment.

We need to find some humor whenever we can. :roll:


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:25 am

monty's mom

Maybe she didn't even know she was talking to me !!!! LOL

Thanks for the laugh !!!! :D


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:43 am

If you are about to start lesson 3, this is the perfect time. It will teach you how to deal with the scarriness of starting back at work. When you are able to deal with the issue making you anxious, then the shaking will stop... its just the adrenaline that is making you shake. I get it at times too. Hot baths always help with the shakes too. The heat calms down the body.

Dana Gann
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:21 pm

Post by Dana Gann » Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:12 am

Originally posted by manofmusic:
monty's mom

Maybe she didn't even know she was talking to me !!!! LOL

Thanks for the laugh !!!! :D
GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!


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