trying my best to get better

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Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:10 am

Post by Jumpy » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:35 am

I have not received the program yet, we lost our son 4 years ago and I can not get better. I am so tired of seeing MD's with no results. It has been so hard I dont know how people cope with so much pain. I can not sleep, eat,very rapid pulse. But I refuse to take valuim and i was overdosed on antidepressants a year ago, so I have bee off that since Oct. I get very weak and my stomach hurts everytime I eat. Seeing my husband breaks my heart. he was there when our son went to heaven and I miss him so much, days are unbearable at time.


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:07 pm

Hi Jumpy... I'm sorry about your loss!
I have come to believe that those that we miss, have lost nothing, but have gained the entire universe and more!!! I encourage you to visit the chat room and Dive into the program when you receive it! I can't possibly understand the feelings you feel, but I believe you can rise above your past of 4 years, and be there for your other child and your grandchildren, as they need your interest in their future... Jumpy, I send you my thoughts, my words and my Prayers to you and your husband. You can get through this...


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:32 am

Jumpy, my condolences. I lost my younger brother in a tragic motorcycle accident when he was 17 and I was 21. That was the traumatic event that started my depression and anxiety.

It affected my mother even more. She NEVER got over it and spent the rest of her life missing her grandkids growing up, going anywhere, or experiencing anything. I was affected as a brother, I couldn't imagine being the parent. She died broken hearted and depressed 20 years later. She never got over it, she could have, but never tried.

I mean this in as gentle a way as I can put it in writing. You need to move on, for your sake, your husband's sake, and everyone around you.

Give yourself permission to be happy, your son would not want you to continue this way. Nobody, no matter how old or young, wants to see people grieve for them forever.

There are so many things to experience and so much for you to do. There are people around you that need you now more than ever, and you need them. You'll laugh again, live again, and maybe cry again, but you'll be living again. It doesn't mean you've forgotten your son or love him any less. Do not have guilt.

I eventually "got over" my brother's death and have moved on, for the sake of myself, my children who never knew him, my family, and everyone else around me. I have fond memories of him that'll I'll always have. I think he'd be happy that I'm happy.

Good luck to you. Stay strong.

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