Tired of being all alone

This forum is not "parents only", but it does focus on issues about parenting and children.
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Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:58 pm

Post by Lavender_rose » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:30 pm

I am tired of all the responsibility of being a mom, student, wife,and personal support staff for myself.Having to do all of it on my own. My husband works third shift and have to revolve around his schedule. It is rough but at least he is working. I am married but it seems i am the one who has to do everything to run the household. I asked for help from hubby and kids but they need direction.I get overwhelmed cause I have so much that needs to be done. idelgate but they are not motivated or need mom to help or show them again.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:30 pm

Parenting is very overwhelming by itself but to throw school in there is even more stressful. I did it about 19 years ago. You've come to the right place for support. You can find encouragement on just about anything.
Stay strong, there's always a silver lining.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:41 pm

Hey Lavender Rose,

I totally know how you feel. I am a mother to two little boys and a full-time student. I am also overwhelmed and the panic attacks and anxiety seem to never stop. How do you handle your anxiety? Is the program working for you?

Hang in there and know that you are not alone:)



Post by Guest » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:03 am

My husband and I have six children along with a business not to mention he is a guide and I am a student. Yes..our lives seems to be scheduled around him but I do all the work.

I went to my husband in tears and finally said I need more from you I feel as though I am last on your list....it was very hard (what was the HONEST worst that could happen, nothing and I would be where I was to start with) but did have some benefits, not all I wanted but it is a start. I am learning through the program to ask for what I need.

I have also forced myself to live(go out in public, address people ect.) I keep a thankful journal and track my negative thoughts(helps a lot) I spend time here getting advice and reading the success stories.

We can all do this together...we all need a support group...good luck ladies...keep posting and working forward...we are the change we want to be, if we think we can or can't we are right.


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:41 am

I was almost in tears when I read all the messages under this subtitle because I feel your pain and cry out for support/relief.

Sometimes I cry because I do not want the responsibility of being a parent, career woman, and girlfriend. After the crying I get some relief, but the real relief I need.

When I look at the big picture, I would not trade my life nothing, but I need the support and love in my life to carry me through this rough time. I wish you all the best during the duration of this program and beyond.

If you would like to be personal buddies, please feel free to reach out.


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