How can I gain weight?

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Post by Guest » Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:50 am


Thanks for the advice about probiotics. I have been taking them for over 5 yrs along with food enzymes. I overcame my anxiety with the help of Lucinda's prog. and positive self-talk CD's.

An over looked way to gain weight is to be sure one gets enough solid sleep. I think it was mentioned that our body repairs and heals during the night. We have a biological clock that functions best if we sleep from 9:30pm (10 the latest) to 5 or 6am. And you want a deep sleep so you don't remember your dreams. Without the proper sleep we wear our bodies down and don't utilize the food, nutrients, minerals well. Just a thought.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:58 am

Susan that is a very interesting thing you mention about getting deep sleep so we don't remember our dreams. Do you believe it's not a good thing to remember dreams?

I totally agree about getting sufficient sleep and rest. It is said that some of the top runners in the world rest over 16 hours a day.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:58 pm

Originally posted by Shifrah:

P.S. I didn't know if your dietitian told you to drink the Carnation drink, which is why I did ask in my last post:
I know, but then you answered your own question. ;) And yes I do have a small appetite. All part of the problem that I found was best to seek out professionals to help with, not people over the internet.

One diet does not fit all and if someone claims it does, I raise an eyebrow. "Grossly under-eating"? An internet diagnosis. ;) I don't eat 3 meals per day, I eat 5, and when I'm having a good day, I get far more than a thousand calories. But all my calories can't come from fruits and veggies. I just can't eat that much. :eek:

Wow, 16 hours of rest sounds like heaven! But then who'd have time for work, the kids, the husband, housework, a shower, a life ... LOL. :D


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:39 am


I'm just saying that I have been told that we can tell if we are sleeping deeply if we don't remember our dreams. I don't think it is a bad thing to remember them. It is an indicator how deeply we sleep.


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:09 am

Hi everybody,

There was a time that I was so depressed that I couldn't eat. I lost so much weight everyone was worried about me. The thought of food made me ill and it was hard to keep it down if I was able to eat at all.

My husband figured out how to trick my mind into letting me eat. He works at night and would come home after I'd gone to bed. This is going to sound funny, but for a few months, he woke me up and I could eat when I was half-asleep. Ever heard of sleepwalking? I was a sleepeater! :eek: We figured it was that I felt I didn't deserve to eat, and we did an end run around my conscious mind. In the morning, I would ask what I had eaten the night before because I often had no memory of it.

Whatever works...


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:58 pm

Oh, okay I get you Susan. I was thinking that you had some interesting information about it!

I know we sleep in cycles, and it goes from deep to active sleep, we probably remember our dreams in active sleep a lot more.


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:37 am

I found an article on Healthy eating. I didn't know if this would help anyone. It doesn't talk about gaining weight but it is a way to be sure you are getting the nutrients, minerals, etc. that you need. Some of you might have seen it today on

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