daughter/fear of vomiting at school

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proud mama
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2002 3:00 am

Post by proud mama » Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:23 pm

(i just posted the below post, then saw this particular parent forum, so i'm putting it here also. thanks!)

wow. hi everyone. i haven't been on here for so long, which i guess in a way is a good thing, but boy did the program, these forums and so many on here help me make it through the scary maze of anxiety, and find my way through to healing. i still have difficult times, but i handle them so much better now. i know how to "manage" the anxiety. so while i may have it still sometimes, "it" doesn't have me.

unfortunately anxiety runs on my mom's side of the family for several of us. my children have had issues with it, but are doing really well for the most part. right off the bat i got both of them into therapy over a year ago with 2 great child therapists who have helped them tremendously. they haven't met with them in about a year because of how well they've been doing. however, as many of you probably know- anxiety can and often does pop itself back up from time to time.
my daughter and son both have sort of developed a fear of vomiting because of the feelings anxiety can produce. nausea being one of them, which inturn creates the fear of vomiting in them. both my kids have even on occassion actually thrown up because of an anxiety attack, though it's been a couple of years since the last time for each of them. mostly they're scared of throwing up in public, esp at school. and my daughter more so than my son. my daugher is going through this again right now. she even came home from school today because she was having a full blown anxiety attack and felt like she was going to throw up. i didn't let her come home the first time she called this morning. i know avoidance behaviors need to be avoided, but she kept disturbing her teacher so i eventually went to just get her. (she's in 6th grade/11yrs old).

if anyone on here has dealt with this or has ever had a fear of vomiting and gotten through panic episodes associated with it, would you please share any advice you can with me? i would so much appreciate it. any little (or big) bit helps a bunch.

my daughter loves school. she hated that she came home she said, and missed being there with her friends, but when the anxiety comes on, as it often does unexpectedly, then so does the nausea and that is such a trigger for my daughter. then it becomes just a total fear of throwing up on herself or infront of everyone and being humiliated. she just wants to escape. i need help learning how to help her help herself to stay.

i know many things to tell her that she can tell herself when going through this, and i guide her through breathing techniques and reminding her to do her best to distract herself, but any advice you guys have would be very much appreciated and help me all the much more.

thank you so much in advance.


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:45 am

Hi There,

There are many people on here who are challenged with this.

There are also some programs available geared toward this phobia, you may want to google.

It was a good idea that you didn't let your daughter come home right away. But it's also a good idea that she learns some kind of skills to get through those feelings at the same time. At least the 6 steps in ending a panic attack could help. Also some tools, like carrying mints or anti-nausea tablets with her, maybe some tissues and a baggie. This will give her a little bit of comfort that she'll be in control.

She should be practicing those 6 steps as soon as a little anxiety or a little wave of nausea comes over her. Go over those steps with her (from the 2nd CD) or give her a card so she can do them immediately - it needs to be second nature.

Try not to be vague about what she should do, give her some clear-cut instructions, and write them down for her so she has very direct guidance on how to overcome those feelings. It will put her mind at ease when she needs it!


Post by Guest » Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:29 am

Hello Proud mama
I thought since I still struggle with this one I'd share some of my hassles with it. I know that alot of it was worsened by my Mothers own phobias about sicknesses. When we were very little we were not supposed to miss the toilet when we were ill , we were totally isolated. She would hand me the pepto and say basically don't come out till you are better. There was no comfort or care for me. I remember staying with my Pastor and his son was ill and he stayed in the bathroom with him and held his forehead while he vomited. The mentality in their home was one of compassion and tenderness .They said vomiting was just the bodies way of healing itself and ridding itself of whatever was making it hurt.I was so shocked by that. I couldn't get over the love they showed and the rational way vomiting was dealt with.So I would assure them they will be okay and they wont be in trouble or be made to be a bother when sick. Also I kept chewable pepto meds with me in my pocket or purse and when I was older I kept a plastic bag in my purse just incase too. It eased my mind so much just knowing I had a backup.
Ialso agree with Shif, not giving in to the desire to run away from her fear and remind them to breathe thru it and calm themselves is an essential tool that can help them for the rest of their lives. Anything that will build their confidence and build their self esteem is a good thing too. Like some have their kids in martial arts to build self esteem too.
GOd bless you for caring and looking for answers. The name of this particular phobia is Emetophobia if you want to google it and get some more research on it.
Take care,


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:10 pm

Proud Mom
I hope you are well and that things are looking up for you and your family. Please post an update when you get a chance.


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:25 pm

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that your daughter is not the only one going through this problem. I have had anxiety all my life, and of course my phobia is vomitting. The funniest thing is that my rock bottom point is when I was 11 years old and in 6th grade. I was a wreck, no one could handle me! I know exactly how your daughter feels and one of the many things that help me through these tough times is knowing that I'm not alone. One of the many things I regret is not staying in school. I was in the nurses office everyday, with a major, I mean major, panic attack. My mom eventually had to home school me for several months because I was not allowed into the school until this was under control. I know your daughter doesn't want to hear this but staying in school is the BEST thing for you. Once you get your mind off of it, it seems to go away like magic. Hanging out with friends, laughing, just totally forgetting about it helped me tremendously. Make sure she remembers she is never alone :)
God Bless

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