
This forum is not "parents only", but it does focus on issues about parenting and children.
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Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:57 pm

Post by ilovemykurtis » Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:27 am

My father has a new girlfriend! Now I am daddy's girl and I am so used to the attention that I would get from him! Now I no longer get attention! I am not trying to sound selfish but I mean I do need some father daughter time! Now when it comes to my mother...we used to have a good relationship until I screwed up in high school and she has never forgiven me for it! I now have a son who is 19 months old! I have tried to get my mother to have a relationship with him but she I guess doesn't want one! She nevers asks me about how he is or if she could see him! I have tried and tried to gain our friendship back but she choses the bars and the alcohol instead of me! I think that the cause of all my depression and my stress is from these family issues! I dont know what else to do but the more I think about these things the more emotional I seem to get and I just end up isolating myself from everyone! I have had conversations with my parents about these things but it just goes in one ear and out the other! Any Advice?!?!


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:16 am

I am sure you are daddys girl but remember he probably needs more in his life.As for your mom I spent all my life trying to get my moms attention. Men were always more important than me. I had a horrible childhood. Think about what will make you happy Do not waste time worrying about parents. Live one day at a time do not look back. Try to live one day at a time. My mom says she loves me but actions speak louder than words. I have never felt loved by her.


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:15 am

Listen to the CD on expectations - I can't remember the number, but it's a good one.

In a nutshell, lower your expectations of people (like how they should treat you or how they should act) and future situations you'll be in (like trips or having company over for instance) and you'll get wonderful results.

If you have high and/or unreasonable expectations more often than not you'll be let down.

If you don't put expectations on yourself, others or situations you'll be pleasantly surprised at what happens and you won't have a huge let down if something doesn't go the way you thought it would.


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:26 pm

Your looking for love but not from the person you need it from most, which is yourself. No one can provide you with happiness and/or love, it must come from you first. There's a good book out there called, Choosing me before we, which will help you understand relationships and I found helpful. Probably like most of us, you are looking more for acceptance and approval then you are love.

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