Urgent: Does my mother have schizo?

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Post by RPanic04 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:32 pm

My mom and I have tons of problems, I've got my panic, and she has just always been a very angry/cold person with some rather wild moodswings, basically someone to kick me in the face when I'm down.

Long story short, there's one thing about here these past two years I find very odd. She's very religious and she claims that she communicates with spirits and angels and that they talk back to her.... supposedly one of them told her I had to take prozac, another told her I could cure my panic by eating celery every day.

I'm not very religious so i'm not sure if this is a common practice among the catholic church but it seems very odd to me. I understand prayer/meditation... but if she is actually hearing voices talking back to her, is this a sign of schizo or that she is hallucinating? She has become very obsessed with this idea that she has some connection with these spirits/angels.

From what I've asked, nobody thinks this is a normal practice in the catholic church. Can anyone else chime in? Is there danger in this? I can't talk to her about it b/c she is very unstable and will throw a fit and basically call my whole family and spread rumors about me or do something else to get me back.

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