I found the online program from Lucinda, which has all of the steps ect.. It looks the same as the one you can buy that will deliver to you door all of the cd's and work books.
I just want to make sure it's the same thing with the online program? I hear a lot of people having the cd's and the program in their homes. I just want to make sure I will get all the benefits from the online version the only difference is I have to look at the videos and relaxation on the computer.. Please let me know if this is correct!
what's the difference between the online program and the cd & tapes you get in mail?
I bought my tapes from Lucinda back in the mid 80s when the program first came out, before the internet (God I feel old! lol). I'm now doing the program for the second time. I checked the "new" program to see if it had changed and if I should purchase the most recent new and improved version, and found out that except for the people on the tapes (CDs now) who give testimonials that they went through the program and recovered being different than those used 20 years ago (Carolyn being one of them), the content of the tapes, the material, is exactly the same. So, if the home-study program hasn't changed in 20 years I doubt that the online program is any different. The only difference is, as you said, you have to stare at your computer instead of having the convenience of taking it with you wherever you want. But if that saves you a lot of money, it's not THAT inconvenient - especially if you have a laptop. So do the online program and see how it works for you. You can always buy the CDs later on if you feel that you're not getting 100% from the online program.