Eye trouble

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by Chantal » Fri Dec 21, 2001 5:58 am

Hi everyone!

I know I have posted this b/4 but I need a little more feed back, b/c it bothers me. I have conquered all of my physical symptoms, but I still have trouble with my vision.
I see "afterimages", especially looking from a bright object to a dark surface, I see "squigglies" and "little white floaties" especially when looking up at the sky. I see "halos" around people and this is a hard one to explain, but say you are wearing a striped shirt....when I look at it, the lines vibrate, actually I feel like everything vibrates. Is this anxiety? or should I see and eye doctor?
Help! <IMG SRC="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/ubb/smile.gif">
"[i]Remember...You can't make sense out of nonsense...[/i]

Mint Flower
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Post by Mint Flower » Fri Dec 21, 2001 6:29 am

These eye things don't sound abnormal to me, I think when we're so sensitive about anxiety symptoms, we pay so much attention to stuff that we notice it more than others do. My husband talks aabout having a floater in his sight, and I know the eye Dr. thought that was commom, and seeing after images etc- the other day I was looking at the bright light coming in between the mini-blinds and then when I looked at the wall I saw all these stripes and thought what's wrong with me before I realized what it was. I told my little boy and he thought it was cool!!!! Going in and getting a checkup would probably reassure you, though.
Peace to you,
Mint Flower

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Post by Sunflower62 » Fri Dec 21, 2001 6:42 am

Hi Chantal! I have the same symptoms you do and I have had them for quite some time. I have floaters in my visual field...especially when I look at the sky or a white wall. I also have problems with stripes and bright light....I think all of the is just from our bodies being hypersensitive due to the adrenaline. Also I know that I notice things that are occurring in my body way more than I used too, like being overly aware of every ache, twinge, tingle and always wondering if it is 'normal". Man I get bored with myself!! lol Take care....you will be all right:-)
Don't fight the anxiety...accept it and it will go away:)

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Post by Bakedpears » Fri Dec 21, 2001 4:34 pm

I have had this visual thing you describe for years. It always gets worse with stress. I tolerate it better because I know it is temporary and there is nothing organically wrong with my eyes. I do try to get more rest, cut down on sweets, exercise, and of course relaxation and self talk. Visual problems are just another perk of this condition. I am thankful that it is not permanent.

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Post by Chantal » Fri Dec 21, 2001 6:14 pm

Thanks Mintflower, Sunflower, and Bakedpears!

I was pretty sure it was stress related...but I just wanted to reassure myself and get some good ammo for my positive self-talk....how bout this...

"These eye problems are just symptoms of stress...Bakedpears, Mintflower, and Sunflower (people whom you have never met, but also have had problems with anxiety) have the EXACT same symptoms as you. It's ANXIETY and that's all! I will stop worrying about it and keep up with my relaxation...as my nerves heal and the adrenaline levels go down the eye problems will clear up. Besides, it is not going to hurt me, it may be bothersome, but it's perfectly harmless. My eyes are healthy and strong, this is VERY temporary."

Thanks a million guys and have a wonderful holiday!
Chantal <IMG SRC="http://bbs.stresscenter.com/ubb/smile.gif">
"[i]Remember...You can't make sense out of nonsense...[/i]

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Post by MelissaC » Sat Dec 22, 2001 4:53 pm

It's funny that you posted about this because I was thinking of checking in on you and your eyes. I remembered your post from a couple months ago. I have the EXACT same problems and they started during a time of great stress and have continued. But I'm definitely not over the stress because the eye symptoms are now what I worry about.

I have had many thorough eye exams, 2 MRIs and have seen 6 top quality eye and brain specialists - I'm normal (at least physically!) They say my symptoms (which are more than you describe) are a migraine variant.

I believe it is something triggered by the stress I was under. I also took antidepressants at the time the visuals got really bad and have since stopped, but still suffer with the eye trouble. Are you on any SSRIs?

I see the vibrating lines - striped shirts are very trippy!!!! I have extreme light sensitivity, afterimages, static in my night vision. I also see the "sparkly, floaties". I believe this is called "entopic phenomenon" (according to one of my docs). It is not the "floaters" that are the vitreous gel breaking down inside the eye (normal). Entopic phenomenon (also normal) is the ability that some lucky folks develop to see the white blood cells in the eye. The brain learns to no longer filter out this information. I have always seen these zipping little lights, but they got MUCH worse during stress. I hope my brain someday learns to tune it out, but at least I know it is not sinister. If you stare at one spot you will probably notice that these little "cells" travel the same path over and over.

Keep me posted on how you are doing - I care.


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Post by Chantal » Tue Dec 25, 2001 7:25 am

Dear Melissa,

Thanks for caring! I find this bothersome, but I know it will pass as soon as I "let go of it". I was never on antidepressants, but I have had a neck injury and wondered if the tightness in my neck and shoulders could be affecting the vision. I have alot of problems with the neck area and I know it can be related to migraine type things. So did the doctors say it would go away? Is it a normal anxiety related thing? I would like to hear some good feedback. Keep me posted!
Your friend,
"[i]Remember...You can't make sense out of nonsense...[/i]

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Post by annette » Tue Dec 25, 2001 7:27 am

MOst likely the squiggly things are floaters in your eyes that everyone has. They are normal. And like the above people said, when we are stressed we are more sensitive to our body sensations. I've had the same thing. They are not dangerous and you won't lose your vision from them. Be assured, you are ok.

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Post by MelissaC » Wed Dec 26, 2001 7:16 am

I just posted a long message and erased it - aaggghhhh! Anyway, I am wondering if you think you are seeing the entopic phenomenon -that is the white blood cells zipping around in the eye. These are like many little lights and they are most apparent against the sky or white wall (but I see them all the time - on many surfaces).

Floaters are pieces of debris that break off of the vitreous jelly in the eye. They cast a shadow on the retina and become apparent. This is normal with the aging process. They can look like lint, dirt, string, ect. They can also be clear. I have both. These floaters are slower moving and larger than the entopic phenomenon. They don't zip around, but instead move around when I move my eye. Which do you think you see?

I know what it is like to see these things and worry. Sight is so precious. But take comfort in knowing that I (and others on other boards that I've spoken to) have had zillions of tests and we are healthy. Doctors don't think it is sinister. My last neuro-ophthamologist said it is not a typical stress reaction, but my history of migraines could have made me more susceptible. Do you have migraines? He said that chemical changes occur in the brain and that it can take quite awhile for them to correct themselves. Patience is key.

I have seen some small improvements (it's been 7 months for me) on symptoms that I don't focus on as much anymore. Paying less attention to it may be helpful, but it is hard.

The doctor also said that people who have done LSD sometimes have these visual symptoms appear years later. Well, I've never done any drugs, but I still find that interesting because it suggests a chemical reason for these visuals. LSD works similarly to serotonin in the brain. Serotonin levels are very affected by stress. There is also research to suggest that some people are genetically predisposed to be affected by LSD this way. Maybe some of us are predisposed to be affected by stress like this.

You really are healthy, but we just have to accept these visuals. How is your night vision? I find mine to be like static on a bad TV. The doctor also said this is typical of the LSD folks. Very weird. I think it is affected by the blood cells moving around and being noticeable. I really hate the dark now.

Let me know what you think... =)


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Post by EastCobbGABetsyH » Wed Dec 26, 2001 8:19 am

You say you have conquered the physical symptoms. Since when are our eyes not part of our bodies? Those are physical symptoms and we've all had them.

You didn't mention one eye disturbance that I didn't experience when I was at my worst.

You noticing what we all have going on in our eyes will go away. You are just noticing it more than the person who doesn't have panic attacks. You are hyper-tuned-in to what others have, but just don't over-focus into.

Always Hopeful, Betsy H.
Marietta, GA (East Cobb)
Get out and walk...five minutes today, six minutes tomorrow...until you work your way up to 30-45 minutes and day and see how much better you feel in just a few weeks.

[This message has been edited by EastCobbGABetsyH (edited 12-26-2001).]
I am not a doctor and/or therapist of any kind.
Anything I write is only my opinion and/or something that worked for me.
I hope it is helpful.
[b]Don't take anything personally.
Always be impecable with your word.
Don't assume anything.
Always do your best![/b]

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