Very INTENSE scary feeling???

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by jaimek » Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:26 am

I get this same feeling at night too. I have read somewhere that this is normal at night. I get a feeling like my head is buzzing and I can feel myself not breathing. and it goes away when I take a deep breath. The more tired I am the worse I feel. Like during the day I'm really spacey if i'm tired. But it sounds like a normal symptom.

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Post by Terag » Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:49 pm

yes, i get that exact same feeling, every night when i go to bed and close my eyes, just as i am about to fall asleep, it actually feels first like my brain is "shivering or shaking"(i know, sounds weird), then i get that intense falling feeling for a few minutes, i ignore it and it goes away and off to sleep i go. when i am doign the relaxation cd, if i am really tired during the day, (as i always am, all day) and i actually get into a deep relaxation, which doesnt happen very often, i get that same feeling of falling. its so strange, but i have not let it bother me(strangely thats the only thing i dont let bug me) and it just goes away.

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Post by suzysteel » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:06 am

This same exact thing has been happening to me for 2 years now. Last night was so bad I didn't know if I would survive it. It's just like everybody says, sometimes it feels like I'm falling' or like my brain is shivering. I couldn't believe what I was reading, so many people having this terrible problem. The really bad episodes are like I am dying. It always happens just as I'm drifting off to sleep. I know I'm breathing, I know my heart is beating, I'm relaxed, then BANG! I'm feeling my life draining away from me. I am dying. I jerk violently awake gasping. My heart is pounding. I've just saved myself somehow from dying in my sleep. This happened to me 6 times last night. I was so exhausted I gave up and took a bath and read my book. The residual adrenaline has been with me all day making me feel so ill. I am not convinced this is anxiety. I've had anxiety my whole like. I take zoloft and klonapin for anxiety and I still have these symptoms. I also have been to the sleep center twice to sort this out. Both times guess what? I didn't do this terrible thing. Sometimes I think this syndrome could be some sort of seizure activity. Sometimes maybe it's a blood flow problem to the brain. I have chronic neck problems. I am relieved to know there others like me who are struggling with this terrible disorder. The many doctors I have seen (family doctor, pulmonologist, phsychiatrist)have no answers for me. It seems to me there must be a phsical reason this happens.

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Post by MaryJean » Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:53 pm

Hi!! I'm MJ. I started this program in February but haven't been on here only a couple of times. I was reading about the scary feelings. I started to get scary feelings so I can relate to the other people who are getting them too. I have never felt so scared in my life. At times they aren't too bad but at other times I have to leave where I am because I can't stay there any longer.

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Post by Thomas_A » Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:00 pm

Hi, I also have problems with mornings... I had BPPV (benign proxysysmal positional vertigo) twice, last Augusti and 2 weeks ago. This really triggered my existing anxiety and made my 4-5 times amonth panic attacks increase in intensity and frequency. Now I'm afraid of laying down in bed... I'm afraid of waking up. Last morning I woke up at 3.30 am with rapidly beating heart, dizzy and completly in fear. It settled down after 20 minutes... Then at 6.30 I wake up again - my eyes closed... feeling dizzy and afraid... opening my eyes.. BAM! panic starting again... getting really scared, pulse goes up and I feel like fear, total panic and weak and lightheaded (not rotational spinning like BPPV, just lightheaded and unstable). I sit on my bed for 5 minutes. Panic comes in waves. I slowly get up... with trembling hands I open the fridge, grabs orange juice etc. Walk carefully like I'm going to fall, and sit down... settles down in about 20 minutes again. But with a really bad sad feeling to have it like this. Shoulder and neck muscles tensed, ringing in the ears.

QUESTION: Anyone else had the "waking up - when opening the eyes it triggers dizziness and severe panic attacks?

It has happened several mornings now that when I wake up and my eyes are closed, I think "wonder if I'm going to get dizzy and get panic now..." I then slowly open my eyes, and it all feels like "too much" and I feel strange like my brfain was floating around and not connecting / lining up with my eyes / eye muscles... This can the rather quickly advance to a full blown panic attack where the dizziness gets really bad (never fallen or fainted though).

I'm in general good health otherwise. Have had everything imaginable checked out incl cardio. My normal blood pressure is 115/69 when resting and pulse 67. I have checked my blood pressure in the middle of panic attacks and then it goes up to 155/105 and pulse 135 etc. Like I was in the middle of a marathon or something.

I am soooo tired about having this constant problem.


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Post by vanitykills » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:20 pm

I too get those falling feeling, a lot when I stand up too i feel like I'm moving, or if I sit down on the ground i get them too, they scare me badly, but now that I know I'm not the only one I hope I can convince myself that all it is, is me telling myself to be scared!
"You probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do."

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