Panic attacks at night

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Panic attacks at night

Post by HopefulDreams » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:02 am

I have suffered from anxiety and depression for about 10 years. Not all those years were bad ones. I'd come off meds and be fine only to end up back on them again. But this last time was quite scary. Unmedicated.. I woke up in a total state of panic... since them it was an experiment of medications to see what works.. and lead me straight to the PSych hospital.. SCARY! What makes it worse.. they put meds in me and I still wake up in fear... but at least I"m not in hysterics... I want to get better.. but am afraid of how long it will take.. or what meds my psych will prescribe next.. cause i'm getting the hint he will based on my reactions.. but I feel so numb and distant from all those I love...I want my love to be expressed again.. anyone feel the same?

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Re: Panic attacks at night

Post by tommy_riley » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:01 pm

"but I feel so numb and distant from all those I love"

I am in the same boat - I feel so disconnected from most of my emotions right now (except heartache from a recently failed relationship) and have trouble being close or feeling love for anyone. Everything is just kinda ho-hum for me right now. I think all of the years of self medicating really put me in a emotionally challenged state.

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Re: Panic attacks at night

Post by xandy84 » Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:09 am

I know what ur going through at night I too cannot sleep im scared of the next panic attack I feel so distant from my family when I think im getting better then boom im starting back over again another panic attack I too am waiting for a night sleep worry free hopefully by the Grace of God he will restore my slumber I just started the program today so im a little skeptical but I know theres not all darkness there is light at the end and I will be revived once again in Jesus name I know Jeus is the great physician I was healed before but sometimes when were not walking in grace God reminds us I just wanted to give some encuragement to you maybe were up at the same time wondering whats gonna happen next

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Re: Panic attacks at night

Post by Paisleegreen » Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:56 pm

I have been feeling more anxiety symptoms last night. So I do feel for you guys that have been have Panic Attacks at night. I'm not sure if I get the scary dreams from the anxious feelings or the feelings from scary dreams. Paislee

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Re: Panic attacks at night

Post by maa1984 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:55 pm

I am new to the experience of panic attacks at night. I have only had one "panic attack" and that was during the day about 4 years ago. During that experience I thought I was having a heart attack due to severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, and continuous crying spells. I went to an urgent care and was diagnosed as having a panic attack. Since then I have been on many different meds and gone through years of therapy and luckily hadn't suffered another panic attack.....until two nights ago!! I had a very unusual dream (or nightmare) and woke up dripping sweat, heart racing, and having trouble breathing. I had extreme difficulty calming myself and trying to relieve my feelings of TERROR! I eventually fell back asleep, only to awake two more times with these same, intense feelings/symptoms. Had another episode last night but it wasn't quite as extreme. I've been trying to figure out what "life stressors" of changes in my routine may have brought on these panic attacks and am coming up empty handed. Just hoping that things will improve.......

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