Weird feelings/body symptoms

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
Terri Molitor
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Post by Terri Molitor » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:29 am

I to suffer from chest pain, been to many doctors, er, and stress test the whole 9 yards I just can not get it through my thick head that anxiety can give me all these physical symptoms I always think this time it's for real I call my doctor atleast twice a week to make sure it's not my heart. and she keeps telling me the same thing that it's not I have had this for 16 years yesterday when I had my first panic attack and ended up in the er.. It's been a vicious cycle. I start thearpy on wednesday i had to start zoloft she will not see me if i'm not taking medicine i hate medicine i'm afraid of it. Does anyone get chest and upper back pain so bad, that can tell me what to do so I get do it. And realize it's not my heart and be able to start to live again. Because I really haven't lived in 16 years. Please help.

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Post by Katie_Lee18 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:24 am

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one :) I just want it to go away completely, no anxiety sounds amazing to me

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Post by RyanEK » Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:59 am

Im afraid to go outside. It seems it is the worst when I am outside. It all seems like a dream and that everything is either really close or really far away, the light seems to intensify the feeling. It really sucks. It lasts all day long. It doesnt go away. There are some points throughout the day that are worse then others but for the most part its just a constant "in a fog" "spacey" ANNOYING SCARY feeling that WONT go away. Walking and riding a bike, mowing the lawn is SO SO SO SO hard. I keep feeling like something is seriously wrong with me, I keep saying to myself, "how could this all be from anxiety?" I like to hear other people are in the same boat as me, as selfish and mean as that sounds, just so I know I'm not losing my mind and dieing. This has been such a struggle and it's been going on for 2 months of CONSTANT "SPACE" feeling. ENOUGH already. if other people are going through this, can you please share what your doing to get by?

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Post by j33825 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:32 am

Hi Ryan EK
I have thosse to but if someone is with me im fine the min they say i have to go here or 20 miles away it hits the worrie the pains sick to the stomach i keep telling myself im ok its just panic and i'll get over it i carry my tapes around with me in the yard the house people dont know i hve this problem and it gets harder hiding it but as you i have it everyday and yes certain times are worse than others. right now i'll tell myself im ok it will pass as it seams to help for a few min then it comes back. i agree enough already i want my life back i can remember feeling good the tapes say its all us but when does us figure out were ok and the panic stops then we have to figure out how to deal with the stress, im new to the tapes so im trying and you will get better at it just dont give up, never give up we are all worth getting better and being ourselves.

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Post by Paridygmn » Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:16 pm

Hi Katie Lee_18 and others,
I have experienced some of the same symthoms and had come to find they were problems that were not associated with stress and anxiety, but came across that way. I spoke to my doctor a couple of years ago after having some dizziness and feeling faint while on the job and under other circumstances. It turns out I was diagnosed as having Virtigo, where there are 'crystals' in my inner ear that give me a dizzy feeling. The only way I have to deal with it is to lay on my side for 15-20 minutes on each side a day and it is under control. I often sleep on my side, and have not had the problem since. Recently I really wanted to do something about my feeling of tiredness, thinking it was medication, but looking back further and realizing this was something I was experiencing all of my life. I spoke to a pharmacist and we both agreed I needed to take more multivitimins since I did not have the best diet in the world. Once I started taking multivitimins, I felt better right away with more energy and less lethargy. Realize it is possible that what you are feeling may not be related to anxiety. But I can say for sure the anxiety I have felt caused me to feel shaky, nervous, scared, suicidal, etc. Addressing the very thing that made me feel nervous helped all of these feelings to go away.


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Post by Paisleegreen » Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:23 pm

Wow, thanks Paridymn! I'm sure this will be helpful for many who reads your story! :) P.

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Re: Weird feelings/body symptoms

Post by rahrigp » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:06 am

I've been having trouble lately with my essential tremors with my head and hands. I've noticed that when I socialize it becomes quite worse and I can barely speak sometimes. It has become very embarassing to me to the point that I avoid social settings even going to workout which is my favorite past time. Not sure what is wrong with me, all I know is that I want to have a tremor free life and become a normal person.

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