MY LIFE-rd it and write back if u relate

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MY LIFE-rd it and write back if u relate

Post by a7934 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:55 pm

This is what this topic is for-

I am strongly motivated by the belief in a good God and his blessing to live a great life!

Yes, i am coming out of a depression. However, i feel restored in who i am. I am restored naturally and not to sound spiritual but i feel now that my future is full of hope and my normal beautiful and sometimes creatively adventurous dreams are possible.

My Prayer: is that God might put the right people so we can all have fun and encourage each other in our journeys.
*though God is a part of my life, i am really interested to hear from anyone who wants a fun and good life

I am going to keep trying-life has so many doors and i am so easily discouraged for no reason. If i am not getting what i was hoping for here. Maybe the answer doesn't lie in a blog. Maybe it just comes with living: for instance I am in a new school and literally have made FOUR NEW FRIENDS. My program seems so promising. And my professors are all nice and seem to care. (THIS WAS MOSTLY FOR ME)

I wanted to write today because i often have so much on my heart and mind and need it to go somewhere. Express myself-you know.

On a Positive Note:
Today my cousin messaged me. We just spent about 2 weeks together and we were never close. The friendship took a slow start but in the end -he was so stellar! On my last night of vacation we played pool and went to Denny's. It was nice hearing from him

Room for Improvement:
I had a bit of a trying arguement with my Dad. I started school for the second time. I started college for the second time. My Dad was asking me today if i started my homework. He was explaining the benefits of being on time, and getting things done right away. I got rather defensive because i find myself desperately wanting space from my parents. I am an only child and this is a blessing and a curse.I wish they would not be so involved in so many of my decisions.

This is an issue that tends to stress me out. In the past, i have consulted God and tried very hard to change my bad habits. I am glad that I had the courage and will to change. However, i also feel that I have now reached a point where i cannot change anymore. I have to almost be okay with not agreeing with them all the time. And give up this idea of being the perfect, righteous daughter.

my parents carried me when i was so depressed and full of panic attacks that it was scary. I have faced a lot of my issues. Practically all of the issues that I, at this time last year, could not face. I feel like now I am ready to start taking control of my life again. That is both exciting and scary-

I also want to do this with a bit of integrity. It is a transition for my family, i am an only child, we are moving, our business is also in transition. My culture is not North American. I want to be me while maintaining a relationship with my parents.

What gives me hope

*First is that God is good and you don’t have to do things to receive his goodness.
I know with all my heart that he wants all of us to be happy and the best we can be.
Forget all the religious stuff. . Please try and not get too deep with God and trust your salvation and keep it simple. He gave us a brain to figure most things out. Hearing from God is more about knowing who he is and trusting him. Choose things that make you happy and things that are peaceful and easy.

Life is about risk too, so don’t be afraid to take some. You have to try your best to enjoy this life.
I think if your jaw bothers you then you should get it fixed. I was afraid to have you do the surgery but looking back I think I should have. You should date and enjoy the game.
Find someone to share life with. Have wonderful kids and love your husband. I think you try too much to be good so maybe not strive for perfection. I think you are perfect the way you are. The values you already have is more than enough to keep you in god’s grace and out of trouble.

You are the best thing about my life. I really enjoyed my time I got with you. Even in the hard times I did not regret you. The joy you have given me is precious and I thank god for you.
Make the best out of this life and I will see you again . You have to enjoy this life on earth for me too. Life is precious. Live it and enjoy it. Trust god and be happy.
Love always,

*My Dad gave me the okay-that he wants me to start living my life and calling me own shots

so where do i go from here?
I want to find love
I love to dance
I have dabbled in acrylic/watercolor painting

some background:
i am in my early twenties.

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