can't break out of this hole!!!

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Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:07 pm

Re: can't break out of this hole!!!

Post by dlep1234 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:14 pm

yeah thanks a lot! All your guys' encouragement is so nice.
I have been feeling a LOT better than I did. the program brought me better understanding of the anxiety which was helpful but also made me think about it a lot more. I was really trying to fight it 24/7 and lately i've been able to just accept the feelings and work through them. the breathing excercises are coming in handy too! The 'stop sign' skill has been working as well. Though the anxiety is uncomfortable at times, I have been able to let it pass rather than letting it consume me all day and I'm not worrying about things getting worse and worse like I was before. I feel more like they're only getting better from here :)
also i'd like to add that the cd's didnt talk much about derealization which is the thought/feeling that i had been obsessing over. i researched it though and found that i'm definetly not alone and that helped. i took meds for one week and they made things worse. i had no emotion or appetite. im off them now and feeling good so thats good. maybe i dont need them.:)

Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:07 pm

Re: can't break out of this hole!!!

Post by dlep1234 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:26 pm

thanks so much for all the encouraging words guys.
i am feeling a LOT better than I was! it's been tough facing this head on finally after years of pushing it under the rug but I do feel like I'm closer than ever to recovery. I have been able to keep calm in anxious situations lately by just doing the breathing excercises and i realized it's pretty hard to be anxious when you're taking deep breaths and keeping calm :)
also i'm realizing and finally believing that they are JUST THOUGHTS. so i'm definetly making good progress.
also i wanna add that when taking meds which i finally tried for the first time, i felt worse. i took the meds for a week and a day. i was hoping that if i kept taking them that id start feeling better but nope. i had no appetite and felt emotionless which made my derealization worse. but since i stopped taking the meds(4 days ago) i'm feeling good!

btw it helped to research derealization and find that i'm not alone. the program didn't talk much about it at all and i was worried that i had things worse and was alone but i did some research and its rather common in the more severe cases of anxiety.

Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:07 pm

Re: can't break out of this hole!!!

Post by dlep1234 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:29 pm

oops i replied twice. thought the first one didn't show up. haha

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