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Post by meluv3 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:30 pm

Well, this might sound odd, but I had an a-ha moment today when talking with a counselor. I have been struggling to get out of bed - I feel so dizzy and strange and it brings on panic. I keep wondering - am I doing too much or something? Do I need more rest to recover? Well, some people have the agoraphobia where they can't leave their house ... I have agoraphobia where I can't leave my bed. I thankful for this a-ha because now I think I have a better handle on how to approach getting out of bed ... just like someone faces agoraphobia leaving the house - I am just a bit more confined. I know the recovery will take time ... so trying to remain patient as I face my fears. All that said ... anybody ever had this or anything like it!?!??!?!? Would love to hear if you are currently struggling or have overcome!

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Re: Agoraphobia

Post by TL7 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:05 pm

I was pretty agoraphobic before I started the program the first time 9 years ago. I could drag myself to work only because we desperately needed the money and it was only 10 minutes away from home and I hid behind a desk all day and was the only employee so it was pretty much being home) and to my parents house because the lived less than 5 minutes away and they were part of my posse of "safe people". Beyond that I absolutely could not do anything out of the house unless I had a "safe person" with me. Even getting the mail was a struggle and I usually left it for my boyfriend at the time, now husband. Reading this reminded me that I went through several months where upon waking, my heart was already pounding, and I had the shakes really bad. It was like my body was in full panic mode before I even put my feet on the floor. I called out sick many times and couldn't wait for the weekends because I didn't have to leave the house at all. The program was the only thing that helped me. I'm not going to lie it was VERY hard to push myself to do things but it gradually got easier. I had to do a lot of self coaxing and soothing and some days bribing. Sounds silly to bribe yourself, but it worked on the really bad days. I also had to cheer myself on. I made sure that every little step I made that I "rewarded" myself, even if it was just with a big smile and some claps for doing something I wouldn't have previously done. Today, I don't have any of these issues. I go all over the place by myself. I even fly by myself and a few months ago I, again, stepped outside of my comfort zone and drove by myself to another state. It is very possible to over come this, it just takes a long time. If you ever want to chat about things, feel free to message me.

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