Hey all I am new to the site

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Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:19 am

Hey all I am new to the site

Post by Bullseye » Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:31 am

Hey all my name is Alan, I am new to the site and I am currently working on session 2 and I am proud to say that I am starting to notice a difference in my self, I have been dealing with Anxiety and Depression for about 5-6 years though for about the first 3 I didn't know what to call it, I have been diagnosed bi-polar and I have taken meds and all sorts of things and absolutely nothing worked, and for me taking pills was really hard because I had a pretty bad experience on riddlen for A.D.D and those meds had made me hear voices I have suffered with low self esteem all my life, the big thing that made me decide that I am ready to try something new is the fact that I almost killed my self about 4 months ago and I knew that I never wanted to be that kid again. I am so happy that a friend from work recommended this for me.

My goal for recovery is to just be comfortable with who I am in my own body, and then fix all the problems I am currently going through. I would like to one day share my story but atm I feel like it is too soon and I am way nervous about doing the program and I am way nervous about even being on here so I hope that I am in the right place.

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Re: Hey all I am new to the site

Post by coachchris » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:38 am

Welcome Bullseye,

We're glad to have you at the Stress and on the forums. It it wonderful to hear that you are doing better and getting skills to manage life in a healthy way. Learning positive selftalk, taking responsibility for how you feel and moving forward in life takes a lot of courage and patience. We celebrate you taking these steps toward courage and growth and are here to support you. Follow page 9 in your guidebook and pick just a couple of the "Put it into Practice" exercises at the end of each lesson to work through each week. We hope you take advantage of your free coaching call as well. You can schedule that by private messaging me and we can get that set up for you. Keep us posted on your progress.

Here's to your positive future!

Coach Chris

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Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:19 pm
Location: Maine

Re: Hey all I am new to the site

Post by allenae9 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:33 pm

Welcome Bullseye! Your story is very courageous and a huge reminder to me why i'm here. Not only do I need support but it feels good to support others as well. I was also very nervous about the program and would recommend reminding yourself the whole time that you are not striving for perfection and to just keep moving along in the program no matter how hopeless you may feel. It is hard and I didn't do it the first time around but i'm back with the program and feeling great. Best of luck to you. And about the forum sometimes I post just in search for support and often forget how important it is to just write about my progress no matter if no one sees it, it forces me to see it.

Have fun with your progress,
As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more. ~Jules Renard

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