Anxiety came screaming back!

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Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by AnnaS » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:01 pm

I have had anxiety/ panic attacks for about 7yrs and I completed this program in 2008. Since then aside from a few bad days I have been doing really well, but about three weeks ago my anxiety and panic attacks have been really severe. I was driving home one night from a friends house and had to pull over because of a panic attack and since then I have had one about everyday. Usually I take xanax (1mg) when I feel one coming on and it nips it in the butt, but this one took me 2hrs to calm down from. I tried deep breathing, self talk, and listening to the relaxation tapes and nothing worked! I also worry about EVERYTHING. My husband had trouble with his car he just bought and I took it into the shop because my husband was working all day and my husband said to make sure they know they have to fix it it's under warranty. I told the guy when I dropped the car off then when I got home I was thinking to myself "well did he hear me?" "Did I make sure he understood what I meant?" so I called the guy, left a message and didn't hear from him for a couple hours so I went back down to the dealership to make sure he knew. I literally had a panic attack over it. Really? something so simple, and little stuff like that has been getting to me since then.

I know that with this your never going to be cured, but I feel like I have done so well and its come screaming back. I hate this. I really really do, and I don't know what to do. I always have this overwhelming feeling something bad is going to happen. I try to tell myself its just anxiety, but it's really getting me down. Currently I take Celexa 60mg ( I have been on a couple different types of antidepressants all my life because I have had OCD since I was 6, and obviously for anxiety/ panic attacks and depression). The Celexa has been ok but I feel like I might need to increase.

I'm really stressing out and I'm worried I'm going crazy and it's going to get worse. PLEASE help!

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Re: Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by AnnaS » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:03 pm

Sorry I forgot to add one thing. In addition to the worry it's almost as if I have become paranoid like oh my gosh something is going to happen and its scares me to death that I might develop schizophrenia or something.

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Re: Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by Germaine » Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:13 am

I can relate so well to how you feel Anna. I've had anxiety/panic/depression for many years but had it, I thought, really "fixed" but over the past year it started coming back and how feels like it galloped into my life.
I was supposed to go have a test this AM and when I got up my dizziness and fear just took over and I had to cancel. I know I have to restart the program (along with being on meds again) but I can't seem to concentrate and really take in the reading and such.

I wish you well with you condition coming back.
Feel free to stay in touch and we can may help coach each other? :?

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Re: Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by coachchris » Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:26 pm

Hi AnnaS and Germaine,

Remember that anxiety is the result of too much adrenalin. What happens to most of us during 'growth spurts' is that there is a prolonged period of stress that takes a toll on our body. Instead of managing the stress (whether internal or external) and recognizing the adrenalin and cortisol, we push through the stress and until one day it turns into panic. This is why lessons 13 and 14 are really important for all of us. We have to be able to learn to manage our life in a healthy way, have healthy reactions to stress and live a present moment, positive life. This takes time, hard work and you will/can do it! :D

So right now, start with trying to recognize what is pushing the adrenalin and begin to make positive changes where you can. Float through the body symptoms, under-react and use your relaxation cd. You have the power to think better and feel better. This is an opportunity for you to make more positive changes in your life and continue your growth.

You are courageous, capable, and strong. Keep taking control of your life. Today is a new day!
Private message me if you want to schedule a free coaching call. I would love to speak with you!

Here to help,
Coach Chris

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Re: Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by dxbab1692 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:18 pm

ive had that happen to me too. since ive been off the program its been great until resently. i find that meditation helps alot. i hope that you find someway to relax yourself. :?:
i am a guy that has been troubled by anxiety and depression all my life. i also have schizophrenia and it makes it a little hard for me. the more support the better. thank you

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Re: Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by cm1 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:54 pm

"Celexa" and "xanax". That says something to me. I've been dealing with PTSD and depression for 10 years. I did the program (though not all the way) about 9 years ago and felt it all lift, then I came down off my ativan (it is in the same class of drug as xanax) and "whamo"! Everything came back x 10. My doctor didn't tell me about the side effects of withdrawal, chronic withdrawal, or what I might experience tapering and I thought I was going mad. You might want to do some research on these drugs you are taking, as a lot of people have adverse effects to them, but aren't told about these effects by their doctors. Many doctors aren't aware of just what these drugs do. You may be able to find a connection and find a medication that is better for you. There is also a group called Point of Return that specializes in helping people off the drugs if the person feells it is causing more harm than good. I tried to come off, but found I needed some more therapy for my PTSD before I do so. However, even switching meds has helped. Usually, when the cbt stops working there are other things affecting you, like drug interaction etc. Do your research on your meds and find out what other people experience with them. CBT can't work as well if the chemicals you are putting into you are counteracting your efforts instead of working in conjunction with them.

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Re: Anxiety came screaming back!

Post by dannyv26 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:51 am

same happened to me!! i had been good for a long time but then i did something that made me get my anxiety and worrys back. i also fear that i might have a mental illness like you schizophrenia sabres me and i worry that i might have symptoms but its just a fear i hate it i used to take zoloft but now i take cita something but out doesn't work do you think i should start taking Zoloft again?

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