Waking up with anxiety....ugh!!

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Waking up with anxiety....ugh!!

Post by JD1973 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:15 pm

Hi all....
Started with this program about 4 yrs ago....helped me through my anxiety...but unfortunately never completed it. So here I am again with all this anxiety and it is stealing my life from me. Lately, I've been noticing that I am waking in a panic every morning. My dreams are so obscure and sometimes to the point of scary....that I have a hard time shaking them off. I have to take Xanax after waking just to snap back into reality. It makes for a difficult start to the day. And as we all know, each day is hard enough. Doesn't help to begin this way. Any suggestions? I typically use relaxation cd prior to bed and in the morning.

tina martin
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Re: Waking up with anxiety....ugh!!

Post by tina martin » Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:16 am

Whether it is anxiety or depression or both, many of us must be vigilant and fight those forces with all we have on a continuous basis. You may want to give the program the time and attention it calls for. If you scroll down for older threads there are many testaments to how it can help.

I meditate twice a day without fail. For me it is best to use that time to simply focus on slow breathing, calming, and positive self talk. It takes time and effort and persistence to recondition the mind. Exercise is important too as it can help produce our own feel good endorphines. The key is not to get discouraged. Wishing you the very best.

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