Trouble Staying Asleep at Night

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Trouble Staying Asleep at Night

Post by leapyearms » Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:24 pm

Hello, this is my first time to the peer support. I have been having panic/anxiety attacks for the past 3 months, and recently found out I had had a small vessel stroke. When this happened at work I was so distraught that naturally a panic attack ensued.... at work. Anyway, I have purchased StressCenter program and feel it will help me. I am on 20 mg Viibryd + either Xanax or Klonopin if I feel an attack coming on. I was off work for 5 weeks with these issues. I take 30 mg Temazepam for sleep at night and have for maybe 3 years (it was 15 mg the first few yrs). I cannot seem to "stay asleep", waking up after 3-4 hours. Before the panic attacks started, I was able to fall back asleep after going to the bathroom; but no more. I toss and turn and then my mind goes crazy trying to fall back asleep, because I know I have to work in the morning. I need 7-8 hours of sleep. I was wondering if maybe upping to 45 mg would help. I would hate to overdose!!! But, I need to sleep in order to fuction at work and I feel awful when I can't sleep in addition to being panicky. Any advice? Try going to bed later, like 10:00 rather than 9:00-9:30? Thank you for listening.

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