My Story..(Just to vent a bit lol)

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My Story..(Just to vent a bit lol)

Post by genmaximus » Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:17 pm

Hello everyone...this is the first time ever signing on here. I thought I would briefly give my history as many people have done here. It was almost a year and half since I developed my anxiety and depression. It all started a few weeks after I got over pneumonia. I started waking up at night with my heart racing! It was very scary and very depressing. I was a very active, physically fit person that was always hitting the gym and staying in shape. I then became this scared, anxious, depressed person. I over came many things in my life including an alcoholic father who would frequently get confrontational. In addition, I also witnessed his death in a car accident. I thought to myself why wasn't I depressed or anxious after that? Why now? All these things just ran through my mind day in and day out. It seemed over night I was this dependent person who didn't want to go anywhere alone and was truly afraid that I was going nuts. I bought the program and it really helped me see that I was not alone. I see that it was my thoughts that convinced me there was something was wrong with me. I made sure that there was nothing physically wrong so I went and got all the tests done including an echo of my heart. Thankfully, all tests came back negative. The most frustrating thing was I couldn’t get back to my normal routine. For the longest time, I was afraid to work out or play sports because of the worry of something happening. The "What if thinking" really stopped me in my tracks. Now, although the anxiety negative thinking has not been completely overcome, I am back in the gym really living again. I thank God for what he’s done thus far and hope that I can be truly happy again.

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: My Story..(Just to vent a bit lol)

Post by rosebus » Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:34 pm

Hello genmaximus.I to am knew.And it sounds so funny cause all you said about what your life was like is what my Dr`s are telling me to do.They tell me I need to exercise, walk, join a gym and you are telling me you did all that and still have anxiety.Mine started at night,my husband was a trucker and I was most always alone.I would wake up scared to death,thought I was going crazy.I have seen my sweet Dad die from a heart attack,[came home he was dead on the floor at age 54]I have lost everything I owned in a fire and was 9months pregnant at the time,my husband left me with 2 small kids 8months after my Dad passed away.then when my Daighter was 16 she had a horrific accident ,hit a telephone pole and the pole sent the steering column right into her face,crushed her face,broke her nose,pushed her eyeball back in her head,she had a bead injury and was in critical condition and flown to shock trauma in Baltimore Md.But thank God,which I have many times, she is fine now. along with this I was losing my hearing.After we came home from my Daughters accident my other Daughter flipped her car,but luckly wasnt hurt.After I got through all this is when I started having anxiety attacks,28 years ago.But they wouldn`t last like they are now,they would come and go,now they wont leave.I f this program doesnt help me I guess I am out of options,seeing I have tried everything else.Good luck to you and take care!!

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