Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

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Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

Post by HOCKEY66. » Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:57 pm

I keep getting all these weird symptoms and I'm pretty sure it's all caused by anxiety but I have a new symptom for 2 days now I feel really hot on my HEAD like I have a fever but I don't. I mean it's a really hot sensation and of course I think I'm dying. I'm so tired of living like this where every issue means it maybe the end. Wanted to see if anyone else has ever has this weird symptom and what is it?

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Re: Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

Post by veron001 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:18 pm

I cannot focus, forgetting things, feels like I m losing my mind! Any suggestions?

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Re: Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

Post by razman » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:49 pm

don't know about everyone else here....but YES..i have the same things going on at times. i have weird symptoms all the time, and your mind/body can REALLY screw with you. i am convinced that anxiety can cause real physical symptoms at times (like your head being hot to touch)...for me, the scariest thing is "what is a real symptom and what is caused by the anxiety"? ya know??? i mean at this point, since i try to ignore most symptoms because its "just the anxiety screwing with your head" i think i could actually have a real heart attack (or something) and i would not seek help! LOL how crazy is that??

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Re: Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

Post by patience99 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:21 pm

hello to you all, I sometimes still get some warm sensations and neurological programs but yes the symptoms are caused by unmanaged stress that has led to anxiety. When your anxiety manifests and comes out in these symptoms everything seems blown out of porportion right now, and that is just part of the process when we start using the program to restablish confidence and try to tell yourself to make peace with your symptoms. An example would be like its ok I have these warm sensations I am special cause I have these warm feellings and its ok. Keep trying to keep yourself in the present moment when working on your anxiety dont anticipate the future and stay out of the past all we have is today. You all have better and more peaceful days ahead. God bless, Jeremy

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Re: Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

Post by razman » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:51 am

thanks Jeremy! it is amazing how many ways stress/anxiety can manifest itself! i liken it to a complex computer virus you are trying to rid your computer of...very crafty! LOL

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Re: Swear I'm losing my mind!!!!

Post by lorigoh » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:01 am

I know exactly how you feel about losing your mind. I have had an anxiety disorder for my entire life, I am 55 years old.
I started the program last month and am a work in progress. I have extreme health anxiety. I get a twitch and am convinced I have lou gerigs disease, a pain in my stomach is cancer, a headache could be brain tumor, you get the picture I am sure. My husband is patient but doesn't share any of the anxiety traits that I have so he doesn't really understand my thought process. At night my head races 100 miles an hour, even when I am sleeping I feel like I am thinking. I am exhausted all of the time and do not see how this cannot lead to other health issues down the line. I am going to sincerely try to overcome this with this program and a lot of prayer. I know that it won't be easy but I don't see how I can live like this, I want to enjoy my life not worry about every little sensation.
Thank you for listening to my rambling, it is reassuring to see all of your stories and realize I am not alone.

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