Hi Im new!!

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
Posts: 4
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by Webster » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:44 pm

I took a giant step by buying this program. My husband was very supportive and that helps. I live in a very small town and have to drive a hundred miles round trip to find help. We just cannot afford that expence with 2 kids in college. I really hope this works. I have suffered with anxiety and depression for40 years. I am on medication, but I needed to listen to people who have experienced what I have. The relaxation cd is very helpful for me. I like seeing how supporting people on these posts are! You are not alone.

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:45 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by Webster » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:54 pm

I took a giant step by buying this program. My husband was very supportive and that helps. I live in a very small town and have to drive a hundred miles round trip to find help. We just cannot afford that expence with 2 kids in college. I really hope this works. I have suffered with anxiety and depression for40 years. I am on medication, but I needed to listen to people who have experienced what I have. The relaxation cd is very helpful for me. I like seeing how supporting people on these posts are! You are not alone.

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:11 pm

Welcome Webster. You will learn a lot by reading the posts--you have already learned an important thing in that you know you are not alone. Besides our posts, you'll hear a lot of good advice from others with our problem in the CD group sessions.

lucy knepp
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by lucy knepp » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:03 pm

Hello there!

You are in the right place with the right people. We all are going through depression or anxiety or both and don't mind sharing our experiences. I've had the depression and claustrophobia since I was 4 years old. I can still remember specific panic attacks, etc.
Stay with the Cd's, forums and mini chat. All are helpful. PM'ing is cool too. (private messaging)!
Lucy :)

tina martin
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by tina martin » Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:17 am

Support everything everyone has posted. We can do wonders with the program and with each other.


Have you been noticing the spam? Always worry about it.

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:48 pm


Good to hear from you. StressCenter.com is supposed to monitor the spam. I have decided they don't do a very good job, but I am NOT going to worry about it. It isn't worth it. I am supposed to be trying to undo negative habits like worry, especially if there is nothing I can do about it. So I am just going to ignore the strange posts and post to the normal people who need a hand or post a question if I have one.

The forum isn't what it used to be, but you and I can't change the bad aspects of it and we can still do some good for the new people who need some help getting started. That is the attitude I have decided to adopt.

Always like reading your posts Tina. You are a help to a lot of people.

tina martin
Posts: 792
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by tina martin » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:13 pm

Sorry, samcat, don't mean to make worrying worse. Can use help there myself. Your approach is a good one and others have done the same. Yet I've been here when it became overwhelming, people left which is understandable, but are big losses. Will sleep on it and see what ideas may come to me in the morning.

Thank you for your nice words. You write wonderful, insightful, in depth posts. I tend to be too short, do the best I can. Thank you for being here.

Posts: 224
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:11 am

Hey Tina,

There is nothing wrong with your posts. I always think you have have something good to say when I read them.

As I think about what you said about the spam, you probably meant you were frustrated , more than worried. I feel the same way. And don't think you made me worry--you didn't. I used to see a monitor comment a few months ago about how much spam he/she had gotten rid of. Haven't seen that in a while and the past two weeks, have noticed more spam. My husband led a team that installed a huge corporate financial computerized product. They worked like dogs for months and tested the daylights out of everything before it went live. So when the StressCenter.com made the really botched up changeover, I knew it had been very poorly tested, if at all. They let all the users down because they advertise that you will have a peer support group that you can access. And you are right, people left in droves. I think StressCenter.com wants to have the forum be open to anyone, therefore the spam. The way the internet is today, someone is always trying to spam anything they can. With an open forum, they would have to have a monitor 24/7 and that probably is not feasible. Maybe StressCenter.com should limit it to people who have actually bought the program--that way they could verify that we are legitimate users. Anyway, that is my 2 cents worth. And I may be wrong about this, but I can't see how anyone could spam the forum if they have adequate security unless it is open to the general public. What do you think? Am I right that it is open to anyone, not just people who have paid for the program?

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:13 am


When I got up, I checked the forum. There was more spam, so I e-mailed support@stresscenter.com. That is what I did on July 17. I also asked them if they would limit the forum to valid users and monitor it more on the weekends, as that is when it seems to get worse. I know I said I wasn't going to contact them again about spam, but it is frustrating both of us. It isn't our job to do and we shouldn't have to be spending our time doing this sort of thing. It is just another aggravation to add to the list that we already have:)

tina martin
Posts: 792
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by tina martin » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:19 am

Thank you, samcat, for your input and for trying. I tend to think the site must be monitored regardless of who uses it. If they don't provide the monitor, the site may be lost, drowned in spam. WebAdmin did the job perfectly but he is now gone, it seems.

Like you, I am going to send an e-mail to support asking for their help. If I get a response I'll let you know. We're trying and that in itself is good. Hoping for the best.

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