Hi Im new!!

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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:43 pm

Glad to help Dolphin. It is confusing to a new person and I don't come on the site much since they changed it , so to be honest, I don't know how to do everything either anymore. lol. However, I can answer your question about new posts. Just go to the site where you want to post and click on it. You will see the name of the site and under it , in red, you will see "new topic." Click it. You may have to enter your user name; then it will go to a page that says Post a New Topic--type in your subject, then just type what you want in the box and click submit. Voila, you will have created a new post.

You can post wherever you feel it is appropriate. You don't have to limit yourself. You can also answer anyone else's post if you have some good feedback or a question for them. Don't worry about doing the right thing. Everybody on here is in the same boat, so don't feel you have to be all-knowing.

I never went in for their coaching myself. I have insurance and I selected a local therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. He is out of my network, but my insurance will still cover some of his costs. He has a PhD and teaches Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the University of Tennessee. He has been trained by a woman who trained with Reid Wilson, who is a Psychologist out of Chapel Hill NC and very well respected in the field of anxiety disorders. Wilson takes the approach that to get over anxiety, you have to accept it and face it head on. It is pretty much the new thing in CBT and is not easy to do. Lucinda also says the same thing--she calls it "floating" with anxiety. You can google Wilson's site under his name. You can also call his office and if he knows anyone local to you, he will let you know. He is a great guy--he called me and talked to me himself.

My therapist says that anxiety and depression are two sides of the same coin, so it is fairly common to have them both. Ugh! Personally, I have the diagnosis of panic disorder, but it pretty much feels like generalized anxiety disorder.

After I had the program a while, the StressCenter.com called me and wanted to sign me up for coaching. It was actually more expensive than to go to a local therapist, who has all the credentials. I really don't know about the StressCenter.com coaches, since I never used them. I will caution you that you and your therapist have to be a good fit and that the therapist has to be very knowledgeable. I went to one therapist, who was completely useless. I see that you already have a psychologist, is he/she good? If so, then I am not sure coaching would benefit you that much, but that would be up to you to decide. To work the program "the right way" varies with each person. As you read more posts, you will see that some people spend more than a week on a section because they need it--you have to use your common sense, do the homework and really focus on the program. I have been through it several times and learn something new every time. Don't get too hung up on doing everything right--that is our perfectionism talking and part of our problem. lol.

And that statement, "I need to be the old me again"--Lucinda says we don't want to be our old selves because that is what got us into this mess. She stresses that we need to learn better skills in coping with stress and adjust some of our attitudes that have caused our anxiety. You will hear that as you progress in the program. It is going to take some time Dolphin, so be patient with yourself because you have some ingrained negative habits that have caused your anxiety and depression--we all do.

Hope this helps. Just be patient with yourself and don't pressure yourself that you have to get better "soon". It takes people different amounts of time and you are going to have to change some fundamental beliefs that you have carried around for years. But you definitely seem to be on the right track and to have the desire and willingness to put in the work required.

Take care and hope I helped you some. It is an awfully long post, but I thought you needed to hear some of this stuff.

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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by rosebus » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:28 am

Hi Its me again.I ordered the free Cd June 16th and have not received it yet.Does anyone know how long it takes to get it?Thanks in advance.I`m very anxious to get started.

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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:34 am


I don't remember how long it took, since it was so long ago. I suggest that you post your question on the Section 1 portion of the forum, where new people are starting. They should be able to give you an estimate. If you don't know how, just do what I told Dolphin to do in the above post. This question is just going to get lost in this long post and probably not read by the right people who are in the best position to know the answer.


There is a post on coaching and several of the people seem very happy with it. If you have the resources to do it, read their testimonials and maybe you could ask them some questions after their post and make up your mind. I did know one woman who went through the program and she used a coach and it helped her. Sorry , but I have no experience with it and can't give you an answer one way or the other. I would tell you that if you get a coach and don't click, then ask for another one. You have to make a connection with them to really have therapy work. Good luck!!

Posts: 54
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:41 am

Thanks Samcat,I apreciate your reply it is verry helpfull.

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:13 pm


You are very welcome. If I can help anyone with this disorder, I am very happy too. You are so right--it can really mess up your enjoyment of life because you kind of feel like you are just existing and not really living. And that is no way to spend your precious time for sure. So do whatever it takes to help you--you will probably go down some blind alleys along the way, but that happens. What matters is the end result. I wish you all the best.


tina martin
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by tina martin » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:40 pm

Hi rosebus, I want to suggest to you to call 1-866-771-9858 where you will be able to speak to someone. I found out the free CD can take 6-8 weeks but that it is limited in its content with no skills or tools. Just thought I'd share this.

Posts: 54
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:20 pm

i posted a little something in the triumph board like you suggested take a look.

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:49 pm


Thank you for the compliment. It was my pleasure to help you start on your journey to recovery. I am very proud of you in that you have a triumph to report so early. You are doing very well and I am so happy for you that you are already feeling better. You are right--our minds can cause our bodies to have some strange symptoms that make us think we have some horrible affliction. I remember my first panic attack--it started out of the blue, lasted from 8 pm to 3 am and I thought I was going to jump out of my skin. I had acid reflux every hour. It was pretty bad. I had to go to three doctors until my endocrinologist's nurse practitioner knew what it was because she had panic disorder too and immediately knew what I was talking about. My GP said "It sounds like a panic attack, but you wouldn't have one of those." The second doctor said, "Hmmm. Very strange, I'll get back to you" and left the room. Then her nurse gave me a bag of proton pump inhibitors. Strike number two. I went to my endocrinologist because my GP said it had to be my thyroid. We have all traveled a strange road with this mess, haven't we?

Anyway, I see you are posting and participating and feel like you are progressing, so that is wonderful!! Your commitment and determination to get better are strong and you will need that. Keep up the good work!!


Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by rosebus » Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:43 pm

Thanks everyone for your reply,my cd finally came.I haven had a lot of time to listen to it I have listened to the first session.Im going to try to get to the second after I get off here.I havent looked at the workbook at all,but will this evening.Again thanks alot!

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:39 pm

Good, that means you can hear it. I was hoping you would be able to!

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