Hi Im new!!

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
tina martin
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by tina martin » Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:12 am

Rosebus, do give your attention and dedication to the program. You did right getting it. Take your time, be patient, you will gradually see results. Keep us posted.

Samcat, am so glad you are here to help keep the intruders out. So, together, we hope for the best.

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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by rosebus » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:56 am

Its me again.Here is an update.As I said I was put on Clonazepam,well it is working.So far I havent had another anxiety attack.I feel alot better.I`m still waiting on my Cd.As far as my therapist hes great,its the Psychiatrist that wasnt so good.She is the one that gave me the pills that made me sick and then would wait another 3 weeks to see me.My therapist is actually the Dr that suggested me taking Clonazepam,of course he couldnt give me a prescription so I ask him to call my family Dr to see if he would ,he called right away and my Dr said yes.I told him I needed it right away.I am very happy with my Therapist ,he is a very caring Dr,really tries all he can to help me.He actualy wants to see me several times a week now till I get off this cycle of anxiety I seem to be on and cant get off.In fact I see him again today.So I m sorry if I gave the impression he was the bad guy.Its the Psyciatrist,she was very uncaring,cancelled her and will never go back to her .Im so gald I have this board to come to and talk about stuff.I hope I can return the favor to all that have posted me and supported me.Thanks guys you are awesome!!!

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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:13 am

Hi new comer i am also a new one at this and if this in anyway can help you relax a little then here it is.
I am only on my 2nd week and session of this program and i have already seen a significant change in how i feel and think.
beleive me when i tell you i was having all of those scarry attacks all the time and me having generelized anxiety and depression means that my anxiety episodes will creap up on me whenever i leased expected them all day all the time.
Zanac helped controll the attacks however i have learned that it is like putting a bandade on a cancer .
Finally My sister seeing how misserable i was and that i was not the same me from before went ahead and orderd the program wich she had seen on a tv special.
let me just say that for the first time in a long time i have been able to do things and enjoy myself like i use to.
remember what you have is not medical its PSICOLOGICAL,
the mind is verry powerfull and you will feel like you want it to feel ,be possitive its going to work for you dont let anyone put neggative thoughts in your head beleive me.
hope to here from you soon

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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:44 pm


Good for you!!! Sounds like you are making progress and that you "get" what it takes to get better. Keep it up!!


You were clear that your therapist is good and the psychiatrist is not too good. Unfortunately, that is all too common with medical doctors. What has happened to you is that there is a little part of your brain called the amygdala. It is necessary for a human's survival--in case a bus is about to run over you, it causes a fear reaction and you jump out of the way. However, with too much or prolonged stress, its little "on" button can kind of get stuck. I know this sounds simplistic, but it is how my therapist explained it to me and I got it. Your benzodiazapine will help dampen it down some. That is why you are feeling calmer. However, Dolphin is exactly right, it is just a temporary fix. You need to change how you think and how you react to stressful situations. That is where your therapist and the program come in. Please incorporate the things I told you in an earlier post--I have learned them from experience and they work. Good luck!!

Posts: 54
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:56 pm

want to say thanks for the replies and for welcoming to the site.
today i had a pretty good day even dough yesterday was a little hard for me in the morning .
i had appointment for an MRA and MRI for constant headaches that i have been having , and was able to be on that closed down noisy machine for a full hour .
just for that alone i have to say that this program is already working on me to a possitive road.
Yes ofcourse after the exams were done i started with allot of worries thinking about the results and getting desperate and wanting rightaway the diagnosis so right there and then i stopped for a moment ,and started to work on my breathing and listened to the bonus cd that tells you what to do when you are worried,afraid, angry ,sad. etc etc,
Even though i did not feel anxiety but only symptoms of worry and fear,l want to tell you that neither anxiety nor panic attack NEVER SHOWED UP ,And any other time my heart would of been pumping 180 bpm and i would of been short of breath and shaking like a leaf.
the aproach that i used teached by the program worked for me at that time and i was able to go through the rest of the day and not worry about something that whatever the results was going to be I was not gonna change the outcome of it by thinking and getting myself all worked out,so i did what i did and left the rest up to my lord and savior .
Last but not least i was also able to enjoy the the MIAMI HEAT WIN THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP. :D

Posts: 224
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:25 am


I am very proud of you. You should post this on the triumphs board. You are really catching on fast. I have to tell you that it took me 4 years to get to the point where you are in 2 weeks. I fought anxiety for too long, instead of accepting and "floating" with it. You are doing great!! And if you have some setbacks, they will be normal, so don't beat yourself up over them. You are on the right track and have the right attitude! BTW, it is totally normal to feel like you did after your tests, but you handled it in an excellent way. You have already learned that worry is a waste of time--it accomplishes nothing except to upset us. You were able to let it go--that is huge!! You should be so proud of yourself.

I live in Memphis, so I have season tickets to the Grizzlies games. Have to admit, I really wanted OKC to win, because it kind of bothers me that the guy who owns the Heat is so rich, he basically threw enough money out to attract top talent so that he won the championship. Small market teams like mine don't stand a chance when that occurs. However, Mike Miller and Shane Battier used to play for our team and the fans loved both of them, so I am really glad they have a ring. Good to meet a fellow NBA fan.

Read in Sports Illustrated that when the Heat lost last year, LeBron would not come out of his house for two weeks. Now he can go wherever he wants. lol.

Posts: 54
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:52 pm

samcat, thanks for the encouraging words .
I am a sport fan all the way originally from miami as you can tell,maybe Lebron willl end up some day with the Grizzlies after he helps us get 2 or 3 more titles.LOL
Also a huge Dolphin fan so dont be discouraged becouse you should know that we Dolphin fans have been waiting for allot of years, since 73 to be exact and looks like in no time soon will get to the big show.
Guess thats my negative thinking talking now,LOL.
Nice to chat with you.

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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by samcat » Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:19 am

Hey Dolphin,

I seriously doubt that LeBron would ever leave Miami, now that they proved the "Dream team" works. We do have a new owner who is supposed to be loaded, not that Mr, Heisley wasn't either. You have to be a billionaire to own a basketball franchise. We have the fifth highest salary structure in the league, but we don't have any "stars" like Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosch or LeBron James. Your team just mowed down OKC, and they have two really good players in Kevin Durant (he is my favorite in the NBA--love that guy) and Russell Westbrook. Hardin is good too. So congratulations to you!!

I am really into basketball, but don't follow football, so know nothing about the Dolphins. Hope they start doing better soon. Nah, reality is not negative thinking--if they are bad, then that is just how things are unfortunately.

Nice talking to you too! Keep up the good work!!

Posts: 54
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Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:46 pm

will do ,for sure putting allot of time and effort Will keep you posted and hopefully one day if you comne down to miami in season we can get together and go see a Heat game together maybe they will be playing the grizzlies.
One dream that i have for sure is to go to Memphis and visit The King's place, ELVIS that is.
Ive always been a huge fan of his.
chat with you soon :D

Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:51 pm

Re: Hi Im new!!

Post by DolphinG » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:32 pm

I need your help im having a littlle dificulty when i wanna post something I guess the site is so overwhelmed with diffrent topics that siince im new i have only posted in the im new one So, you and coach chriss, have been the only ones to have responded to me.
however i see allot of different sites, what do you suggest i do .should i post depending on the sittuation of that particular day ?
I just want to make sure im doing the right thing.
i would also like to see if i can get coaching can you help me out maybe suggesting one for me?
It is to my understanding that the program has a specific coach assigned to the specific needs of the person.
My diognosis per my Phsicologist and based on the test that i did in the program is, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and mild to moderate depression.
As you can see im verry seriouse about working this program the right way so that i can really get well soon.
I need to be the old me again.
Let me know please
Thanks DOLPHIN G :?

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