Growing up !

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Re: Growing up !

Post by Paisleegreen » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:32 pm

Thanks THH-I saw my Psychiatrist and he thinks this is not healthy or can see what I'm going through as this person needs to be doing something then living free and having us put up with her belongings and she doesn't make the effort to help herself get out of her comfort zone.

Anyway, where is Mano??? Our weather is doing weird stuff as well. Well, I think I will join you on the negative thinking stuff, THH. I do have good news to report...but will later. Paislee

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Re: Growing up !

Post by manofmusic » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:02 pm


The weather has been strange here ! It's snowing out now and Monday it's going up to 46 ! It's been like that for weeks now. I really enjoy the warm weather. That part of this bizzare weather can stay...........the snow can go. :D

I've been really busy at work.....50 hours a week. It's extra cash so I can't complain, but I have stuff to do here.

I just got back from visiting mom. She's in good spirits. She did her exercising today with the physio guy that goes there 3 times a week. She has a bit of a cough. Her dr told her to keep coughing the stuff up. That's the stuff that stayed in her lungs from her cold she just got over. Between the congestive heart failure and her cold, she coughing up a lot, but lately it's been less and less stuff. The dr taught her to breathe really deep, then cough. Most of it comes up that way. She's focusing on all of the stuff that she wants to do when spring gets here.

I've been having to really concentrate on my breathing this past week. I had a few panic attacks at work, but I stayed where I was and I focused on something quitting time LOL I kept my breathing at a steady pace and I stayed away from negative stuff as much as possible.

It seems that the days I want to keep quiet and just relax are the days my phone rings off the hook and people knock on my door all the time. A few times I pretended like I wasn't at home. I avoided the people at the door and I let the answering machine take care of the calls.

I work tomorrow, but it's only for 4 hours. I can deal with that.

THH - How's the flu coming along ?

Paislee - I read your posts. All I have to say is "YIKES !!!!!!" Focus on yourself and your health.

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Re: Growing up !

Post by THH » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:24 pm


I am getting through it! I can breath good, not coughing as much, not taking any meds. Still some headache at times, still not too hungrey, ears so so. But I am getting better! :mrgreen:
Wow was this hard on me. I can only remember being this sick when I was a little kid! LOL... I am a bad sick person. I don't wantto be the patient....
I didn't have any panick attacks BUT... I was scaring myself with I'm never going to get better thoughts. Then I really beat myself up with "what is wrong with me?" Why can't I get better! There must be a underlying sickness that is keeping me this sick. Then I continued to make myself full of anxiety by thinking of how behind I am getting on my work. How I needed food from the stores but was scared to go out and get another bug. Yep I did it all. I think I like the statement " I have had a terrible life, much of which I never lived." I can't remember who said that.

I did relaxation,breathing, ( scared me cuz I wheezed) played the tapes, it helped some. I could not break the negative thinking/ thoughts. Finally what helped me....was to stop looking to be better. Calming down and making myself as comfortable as I could be. Getting my mind to stay in the present excepting I don't feel well, and this is today. I have great a doctor and I can go see him. Reasuring myself that I am going to be fine. It scared me as I felt so old and helpless. I didn't want to talk to anyone because everyone seamed so concerned and I had to reasure them I was fine and I didn't believe it. So I hid in my hole and came out when I was ready! LOL....

I am happy to report that I am geting back on track and having a little trouble figureing out why I crumbled so fast, after doing so well for so long. I guess I am just a weiner! lol... :lol:

Your mom sounds so amazing...I love her looking to spring. She can teach us something here!

I love you letting the machine get your calls, and avoided people. I do the same thing!!!! Its self preservation! Good for you on taking care of yourself.


Anticipation is another tape I played again. Looking into the future and figuring what might happen! Its HARD staying in the present moment. We can get ahead of ourselfs real fast!
I'm looking forward to hearing your GOOD news! ;)

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Re: Growing up !

Post by Paisleegreen » Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:45 pm

MANO, So GOOD to hear from you! Yippee! That is great news about you getting extra hours/money, but glad you took care of yourself when the anxiety came back..ugh. I'm also glad that you secluded yourself and didn't answer the door nor the phone! Good Job! :) So happy to hear about your Mother! :D :mrgreen: Looking forward to spring.

We are having the oddest weather, but I'm loving it! It is making winter go by so much faster. Thanks for the advice on the woman. I went to a meeting where a Psychologist was talking about anxiety and depression to a bunch of women. I talked to him later about my "problem woman" and he was surprised that she wasn't even paying utilities. And that DH and I need to set a date for her to move out. That's the problem, DH did give her a lot more time and we aren't agreeing on the same thing. Basically, people that have perceptions, they keep telling their "story" and because they don't change it by positive thinking or actions, the story stays the same and it isn't reality. No matter what you tell them to cheer them up, they continue with their belief system. Which we have learned that here how our thoughts affect how we feel and do things to change.

So when a person is thinking negatively with their "story" in their mind, then others, have to tell them the "truth", so that they get a new "story" and hopefully change even when it is uncomfortable. Also, he said that we have to communicate in a way where this person feels safe, or they will take it the wrong way. So that could be done if needs be by a letter or going to a safe place such as a restaurant or elsewhere. This was suggested in helping with teenagers or other people that we deal with in life that are having a hard time changing their behavior or thoughts. Which we are doing for ourselves due to us coming here to visit with eachother, meeting THH and others to help us see the "truth" in our thinking and work on changing how we feel. Other people that don't take it upon themselves to do so have to be given the truth.

So it was a good lecture...and I'll keep working on "kindly" stating the "truth" or the real story...and will not allow her to feed me her "story". Because for my sanity, I want my space family wants our property to be used for our family. She isn't destitute nor a cripple nor alone in the world. So just for me to state that fact...and protect myself is a big change. Getting along with DH on the matter is a different story as he is flattered by this woman and loves to help those that tell him Thank You all the time, but doesn't feel the frustration that my children and I do. Probably b/c he doesn't realize how inconvenienced the family has been. I'm just realizing it more so...and I'm more sensitive to this type of behavior.

This is what Lucinda teaches us on the CDs. So I'm going to work on me and "letting go" of trying to fix this woman, as she doesn't want to be fixed. I believe b/c she would have to leave her comfort zone and we all know how that is. :?

Okay, now for the good news, THH and Mano. I have a brand new baby grandson! So this has been fun and has kept me busy. So if you don't see me on here much, that is one reason.

Okay, THH--I hope you get feeling better soon! I'm glad you've been working on your breathing techniques and was able to calm yourself down and think positive thoughts. Hooray! :D I'm glad you were able to hide in your "hole". I'm always happier when I can hide in my hole for a bit until I've calmed down. Good Job! :mrgreen: Well, I better get in my "hole" or bed. I did a midnight, sort of, run to the store and didn't get to bed until later. And then got up later and walked my new dog. This was a long walk in a different neighborhood so that he doesn't feel the need to leave my house, which he doesn't. But I'm paranoid! Ha,ha! :lol: So that was a good experience and now my legs are bit sore, but a good sore. Okay, have a great day everyone!
Paislee :mrgreen:

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Re: Growing up !

Post by manofmusic » Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:38 am

Happy Easter everyone !

It normally rains on Good Friday, but this weekend has been sunny everyday ! Every day has had sunshine !

Just a tune to get my day started !

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Re: Growing up !

Post by THH » Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:21 pm

Long time no post. Hi manofmusic! How are you doing these days? Glad to see your still spinning the tunes! Nice....

I have been pretty good, a few bumps here and there. Life really has her twist and turns I'm rolling along with it. :D

I happened to stop in to see if any of the old timers are still here and happy to see you are. Hope everyone is doing well.
Peace to all.

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