I stink at the 6 steps!

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Post by John61 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:48 pm

I need someone to summerize the 6 steps. I just can't keep them in my head and when an anxiety attack comes out of no where I'm not prepared. I've been feeling pretty good for a few weeks now and tonight I had an attack. They aren't as bad as they used to be but I just can't get them under control. This is the way things go for me, I feel good for a week or two, then I have an anxiety attack and feel crummy for a few days. I just can't seem to get past the attacks that sneak up on me.

You know now that I think about it I was feeling it start earlier this afternoon and just tried to think of something else. I really don't have a plan when the anxiety starts and I let it build up.

Very frustrated!!!!!


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:32 am

Maybe you're trying to do the 6 steps "perfectly" and instead are giving yourself even more stress and anxiety!

Give yourself a break! :) You deserve it!

There is a man on the tape/CD who says that he just told himself "It's just thoughts" because he wasn't good at remembering the positive/negative talk methods. Maybe that would work for you too? Just keep telling yourself that it's just thoughts - they can't hurt you - they will go away. Breathe and try to float through it.

Hang in there...



Post by Guest » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:51 am

I was really trying to recall the 6 steps while driving doing errands this morning....cannot remember them but did use the breathing and positive self-talk (found particularly helpful the bit about it's okay to be somewhat anxious, it will pass and trying to float with it). I'm on Lesson 2 and assume those 6 steps will become automatic with more practice. Right now, anypart of the program I can remember and use when I'm out and about is fine. We'll all 'get there'. Hooray for these skills!

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Post by Unicorn1524 » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:54 am

Don't use the 6 steps as the only way to calm yourself down, but use them as a guidline. Basically the steps are just telling you that you need to accept what is happening and tell yourself that it is happening because of the way you think. Remind yourself that it's a temporary feeling that will pass, and take a moment to breath. After awhile it will come naturally and you'll be able to look back and laugh about how you used to make yourself feel. Good Luck.
"For as he thinkest in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7)
Best wishes, Teri


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:07 am

Okay, I now realize what I was doing wrong. I have been fighting the panic attacks instead of floating. I thought if I went places and forced it the next time it would be better. Now I know what was wrong - GOOD GRIEF! I guess I am still not sure what floating through it is - but I am going to try it tonight. I get so tense when I go places it's like I am going to battle :) ;)

Okay my question is that I have just about wore out my nerves working so hard at this for over a month. Now what do I do? Now I have a fatigue problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated!! Will the brain strain get better if I start floating and not fighting??


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:21 am

Love all your posts!!! Yes the brain strain will get better if you float instead of fight!
Fighting makes the anxiety worse, accepting an floating through it releives it... Your doing a Good job,, try to get more rest, and relaxation any extra time you have.. Im like the others, the breathing exercises help me so much when im under pressure... Take care Nelly:)


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:30 am

Thanks Nelly - I appreciate the pep talk. I was starting to fret about the brain strain - hoping I hadn't messed up the brain chemicals too much - which would only make things worse. Tonight after going to the Y to workout I shall venture to the grocery store and try my best to FLOAT. I have my fingers :cool: crossed. Thanks again!

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Post by sadinny76 » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:21 am

Oh my, as I read these posts, I had to laugh. What are the 6 steps??? I completed the program a year ago,am being coached now and I'm blank. So someone please list them.

John, how about carrying the little cards with you. That should help.


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:49 am

Basically, you just want to remind yourself that it's only anxiety, it will not hurt you. You want to do your deep breathing and talk positively to yourself. Floating through it means you are accepting whatever happens. You're not tensing up and fighting, your letting your shoulders just fall and relax your body while practicing the steps. What we resist, persists. Stop fighting, you will see a big difference in how you handle the anxiety. I wish you the best!


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:34 am

I've felt the exact same way. As soon as they come, i just get clueless and become lost. I have to experience the painful feeling and breathe it out. You'll be okay.

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