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These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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New to this

Post by ahight » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:34 am

This is my first time logging into the peer support forum & it seems like this will be so helpful to know I am not alone in this difficult journey! Sometimes I feel a tad bit crazy lol :? But after just these two weeks I am feeling confident that this program will help! Here's a little bit about me and my struggle.. I can remember having anxious episodes from the time I was 7 or so if I would go spend the night with friends. When I turned 15 I became addicted to many different narcotics and just went downhill, I ended up having to go to rehab because it was so bad. I graduated from the program and was doing really well and then I had a slip up, this is the first time I had a panic attack. Every time I would get under the influence after that of any nature even alcohol I would panic. This has lead to worse and worse daily anxiety and panic. Also, I was 18 and found out I was pregnant and then 9 weeks in I miscarried, that was a very hard event to handle. These events have lead to where I am now. I am now 22 married with 2 kids, so my life is quite hectic and stressful which I think may fuel the fire in my anxiety. I have anxiety about so many things as it is a moment to moment thing I deal with daily. It has put so much tension ans stress on my marriage and almost caused us to divorce. This was a wake up call for me. I needed to get a handle on my life, I want to get a handle on my life. I am so tired of feeling trapped or like I cant do what I want. My dad actually went through this program during his years of intense panic and anxiety and he swears this is the program that changed it all. I feel blessed to have found this program and I am very optimistic about the future!

Oh & little triumphs I have made so far.. I have a very intense fear of letting other people drive me places, I want to be in control. This week I decided to let my husband drive us somewhere as well as my younger brother(who I have never drove with and he has had his license for almost 2 years now!) These seem so small but to me they are huge & I felt very proud of myself for doing so, I hope to keep moving forward with these small baby steps!

Posts: 484
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:35 am
Location: Minnesota

Re: New to this

Post by Iwillbebetter » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:20 am

Ahight - although you are a little younger, your story sounds a bit similar to mine. And I once felt that same way!! (I was going crazy and no one/nothing could help) You are right though, this program can help you make the changes you need to be YOU again!!! It can be harder with kids (I have 3 ages 11,4,3) but that to me is all the more reason to keep your focus and determination!!! My eye opener was more my kids... I started to see things they were learning from me, that I didn't want them to. I saw a lot in my son that I had in me at that age. How can I teach them to live the way I live and feel the things I feel?? Now that I am really working the program I can see how my anxieties have also affected my relationship and also almost caused it to end!! So we are working more on that also!!
They may seem small to some, those who don't understand, but they are HUGE things and you should treat them as so!! You should feel proud!!! You made a big accomplishment!!! :) Baby steps is what it's all about!!
Something someone said to me not long ago that has helped and I recall on often...
** It's not the speed you go, but the direction that counts!!! **

it doesn't matter how long it takes to get where you are going... as long as you stay on tract you will get there!!! :)

best of luck and keep up the great work!!!
"Only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again, and it's a cirlce, circling around again it comes around again...."

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