what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by isabel001 » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:21 pm

hi, im having negative thoughts drifting in and out of my mind all the time... sometimes im trying to distract myself and it would still enter my mind...

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Re: what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by Paisleegreen » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:59 pm

Well, I come on here a lot, that helps. Listening to my relaxation CD, it isn't Lucinda's or listening to her other CDs. I carry some in my vehicle, in my kitchen and bathroom. So when I'm taking a bath I would listen to the one that I need the most help on. I no longer need to listen to her CDs while I take a bath, especially the one on negative thoughts or scary thoughts or what if. I now listen to some other type of CD of my choice, so that is how far I have come. I don't even need to have my cell phone in the bathroom. :D Paislee :mrgreen:

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Re: what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by cara13 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:45 pm

I try to breakdown the thought. Is this thought helpful for me? If not I try to just feel the emotion and let it pass. second, is this fact or opinion? What does the thought mean if it is true? What is the worst thing that can happen if the thought is true?
I find challenging thoughts the most helpful.

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Re: what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by shanleigh121 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:17 pm

Hi...I too, struggle with negative thoughts. I have been doing it so long I find it really hard to notice that I'm doing it. Infact, I think, in session one when we had to observe our thoughts..I failed. I go through my days feeling body symptoms of anxiety that seem to never go away. When I tried to observe my thoughts , when my symptoms turned from moderate to severe, I wasn't able to recall what thought I had prior! I started trying to find a positive thought. Try the postcard or imagery of a favorite safe place. That may help to stop your thoughts from going where u don't want them to go. Also, excercise does make you feel better and more positive...have you started a regime?

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Re: what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by NinjaFrodo » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:38 pm

instantly? I would have to say you don't. Depending on how long you have been in a depressed state it could take some time for those thoughts and feelings to deminish especially when you are first working on the skills in the program. You can in the beginning reduce their power and influence on you but if you are expecting to make them go away completely, you will be setting yourself up for failure. Do what you can where you can.

The best way to deal with thoughts would be to first accept that you have them. What you resist persists and think of it this way...when you are stressed you are in fight or flight mode and when you resist the negative thoughts you are fighting them.

Explain to yourself why you are having them and how that is alright. ie. This computer keeps freezing so of course I'm going to be frustrated, its a really frustrating situation or I was picked on as a child and it was scary to be around people because I was afraid of being treated poorly and I didn't know how to defend myself so of course I'm feeling afraid around people.

Breath slowly in order to turn off the stress response manually.

Find something soothing...reach for the best thoughts you can find where you are (and yes that can be hard in the beginning), something reasonable and that puts the lie to the old thoughts instead of trying to make yourself feel better.ie. This computer still works and I don't need to rush with it, I can practice calming myself down when it freezes...or in the other situation. I don't have to do anything I don't want to, no matter what happens tonight with these people its not going to be apart of my life 6 months from now. Its not going to mean anything 10 years from now.

Distract yourself if you can or if not then don't worry about this step and just allow yourself to float through it

Figure out the pattern underneath if you can...what are you afraid of?


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Re: what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by sadiebella » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:17 am

I have struggled with negative thoughts for over 20 years now. This is my first time communicating on this site. I tried the program about 15 years ago (wow). I am relieved that there are so many people out there that struggle with the same things I do. Mike, your answer to this question was soooooo helpful! Such a good point, we cannot "instantly" remove negative thoughts. Strange, maybe it's our anxiety that causes us to feel the pressure to remove them so quickly. We don't have patience with ourselves I guess!

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Re: what do u do to instantly remove negative thoughts?

Post by NinjaFrodo » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:03 pm

Hey, anxiety and depression are very painful. It feels like we are in a constant state of emergency so of course we want it gone yestaurday and thats ok. 20 years is a long time to have this problem and we don't like these feelings so its very understandable that you aren't really patient with this condition, you've been in some ways really patient just because you have had to be because you haven't been able to overcome the condition so you had to wait for a time when you could face it. Obviously that time wasn't 15 years ago just like my time wasn't 7 years ago (when I first started the program) but we get there and you should be proud that you started it again and posted on here. Its a very courageous journey.


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