things were a little stressfull today

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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things were a little stressfull today

Post by goingtobefine » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:55 pm

Hi everyone i had a somewhat good and bad day. i had a little attack for a while but was able to relax myself.
Did find out that some off the problems i was haveing did turn out to be some kind of stomach virus. Cant say i
fill good but i do fill better knowing that it is not a new kind off panic i was haveing . just wish my head would
stop spining , but i just wish everyone good luck with the program it has relly been helping with mine
i just dont wont to push the recovery i have a bad habbit of doing that going head strong into something but not relly learning how to slow down and understand it so this i am doing the right way and i think it will help.

MC Grace
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Re: things were a little stressfull today

Post by MC Grace » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:50 pm

Hi! Good for you for starting the program. . . You will learn to take yourself less seriously, be patient with yourself, and take care of your needs.
Are you finding the relaxation sessions helpful? They make a big difference, too.
I hope you feel better soon. Take your time and take good care of yourself

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Re: things were a little stressfull today

Post by ElectrifiedBrain » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:47 am

goingtobefine wrote:i just dont wont to push the recovery i have a bad habbit of doing that going head strong into something but not relly learning how to slow down and understand it so this i am doing the right way and i think it will help.
I'm the same way. When I did this program a couple of years ago, I tried to do 15 weeks in 15 days so that I could be some miracle woman. I quit about Day 11, due to my anxiety being through the roof. I'm now doing this program one week at a time, the way it was intended.
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." - Unknown

Posts: 39
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Re: things were a little stressfull today

Post by finallyhere » Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:10 pm

Hi goingtobefine, I like your post name. Yes, you are going to be fine. We all are. Headstrong, stubborn, do it myself, no excuses. Well, this is the first time I am really putting myself on the line and accepting help. The day I started this program, I look at what I wrote, man, I was a mess. Obviously doing it alone is not for me. Duh. How many years? But I do like myself and this program is helping me because I never liked myself before. I have a really hard time talking to people. I hate the way I sounded, whiney. This is a good place for me because I don't feel so shy. I had a panic attaccccck that lasted for about 48 hours, just shaking and pacing, thank goodness for the journal I write in every day. When I finally crashed, I slept for 14 hours. And I felt good when I woke up. When I write in my journal, I 'free-flow'. Everything comes out. And I never read it. it feels so good to lose the burden. I hope you are keeping up with your journal. My panic attacks melt away on the paper.

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