How can I gain weight?

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Posts: 3
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Post by nanan » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:08 am

Everything out there is to lose it not gain it. I am very depressed because of my weight and I am 52. But don't want to look old until I am old.


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:15 am

I also had weight issues.
Ever since I had my first panic attack on Mar 27
I had stopped eating.It took my a while to understand that I was not only creating these awful feelings to myself but on top of that I was creating more distructive behaviour such as eating
Slowly I learned about anxiety and slowly I decided that I have to start eating
I searched the internet desperate to find ways to improve and start gaining the weight back
Today I am eating healthy and I gained almost 9 lbs.It is a lot for me>
Everyday I look carefully at the food that i eat to make sure that it has a lot of calories
I eat a lot of avocadoes,each one has about 280 calories.I eat a lot of bread,one slice has about 85 calories.With the bread I have butter it has a lot of calories I think about 60 per each slice of bread that you eat
I know that fruits and vegetables are good for me but now I stay limited to them because thay fill me up and I do not have enough calory intake>
I hope that this will helpyou a bit.
Good luck and keep me posted


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:54 pm

There are drinks you can drink and they're really tasty. They're called "ensure" and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. They're really good for you. You can get them in grocery store. They have chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors.

My dad drank these when he was going thru radiation for throat cancer. He couldnt eat anything, but the doctor suggested the ensure drink to keep him from losing to much weight and to get his vitamins.

My friend Jess also very skinny, has drank the ensure drinks. One every morning after breakfast and she's gaining weight.

I hope this helps out : )


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:18 am

I would also be interested to know about some healthy weight-gaining options. I don't want to give myself a heart attack, but I do want to meet my average weight for people my size and my age. I think I am underweight for anyone older than 15-yr. :D

I drank Ensure when my panic attacks stopped me from being able to hold down large quantities of food for a series of days. The Ensure was used to maintain nutrients, not necessarily weight, nor do I think it helps gain, but is rather like a meal supplement. They're not that tasty, but I really only stuck with the vanilla because it seemed like the weakest of flavors and I wanted to buy whatever I could get down my throat and hold down the easiest. I will recommend this drink, because it did help me through those tough times, but it is not promoted as a weight-gaining product. And I have not received any medical advice to the contrary.

If I had more money to throw around lavishly, I would definitly invest in a dietitian.


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:38 pm

I thank all of you. Sorry it took me this long to figure out where to find anyones comments on what I asked. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with getting a question out there and then getting an answer. I just fumbled over this tonight just searching everywhere. Any help on this?


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:58 am

nanan- without knowing your eating habits it is hard to give help. I will say that Ensure drinks are great and will help especially if you are eating a well balance diet already. Have a nice steak, sweet potatoe and veggies or fish or chicken with the same. I wouldn't advice just eating anything such as junk food to gain weight as that isn't heathy but you could also add protien bars for snacks in betweeb meals also. I am 5'1" and 109lbs. I am not not sure what your weught is but anything between 95-115 is good for petite small boned women. Also, if you have soe free weights that woudl be a great help as muscle tone weight more then fat and that will help put on some weight. I wouldn't advice too much cardio though as that can cause weight loss especially of you aren't eating enoough calories. A nutritionist would be of great help also....but please have your thyroid checked.


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:30 pm

I did have my thyroid checked and nothing. I am 51 and weigh 103. I am 5'4. If I could just gain 10 to 15 lbs, I would be so happy. After my third child which I had at 34, I had gerd so bad I couldn't sleep at night without sitting up due to heartburn. I had a procedure called Nison which, pulls your stomach up to your esophygus up and tied. This is not the surgery people use to lose weight. I was told after the surgery, which if I didn't have it, it would turn into cancer since there were precancerous cells already. So I had no choice. But everyone I talk to that had the same thing was told as I was that I would gain my weight back. My friend gained her weight back and then some. But nothing seems to bother her and she is a Physicians assistant. So I am not sure if its the stress or what but I really don't feel good about myself looking like I do.


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:11 am

I lost 20 lbs when I had my anxiety attacks. I cried my eyes out when I was fitting in a sz 1.
Anytime I looked at food I wanted to throw up!
I knew this could not go on. I bought weight gain powder and made milkshakes instead of the ensure and I would try to eat things that didn't take much chewing, if any. (fruit, vegetables)I would even force myself to eat half a peanut butter sandwich with milk to chase down every bite I took. It was very important to me that I take supplements as well for what I knew I wasn't getting through my lack of food. There were times when I would be hungry and not anxious so I would eat anything I could get my hands on. I knew that I was feeling like crap since my body was needing fuel (food) to operate and not getting it. Nothing is harder than force feeding yourself when it is the last thing you want to do. I carried a protein bar around with me one time that took an hour and a half to eat but I did it. I did feel better once I had something in my stomach. My mother who is 82 suffered from anxiety when she was in her 30's and 40's and couldn't eat as well when it was happening. She did the same thing I did. It took time and our eating habits became normal again.
Hang in there. It will pass.
We are all in your corner!


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:03 am

Here is a website that helped me:
Now I know it comes across as a site to help you lose weight but it can also help you gain it. It's free to join and you plug in your age/weight/height and it tells you what your ideal weight should be and how many calories you need a day to reach it in whatever amount of time you choose. It makes healthy suggestions for meals and snacks that makes it easy to plan what you need to eat for the day. It'll look like a lot of food at first so don't be overwhelmed. Just take it one day at a time. I'm still not at my goal but that's my fault. I kinda slacked off, then got sick, ... am probably at my lowest yet. I really need to jump back on. I also need about 10-15 lbs. just to look normal. I'm about your age so I know how you feel.


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:56 am

I know for me when my anxiety is high, I especially have trouble eating breakfast in the mornings. I have a nervous stomach, nausea, and diarrhea. I have been losing weight as well, but I have also recently had gallbladder surgery which hasn't helped. I have learned that Carnation Instant Breakfast is good for you too. It has a lot of vitamins and minerals as well and tastes pretty good.

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