Need help in dealing with my son's anger towards me

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Post by curlygirl » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:55 pm

Hi, if you read my previous discussion it was about me going back to court to get more custodial time with my son. yesterday I won, THANK YOU GOD. Praise him. I went through an evaluation process yesterday where they interviewed me, my son, my husband, my son's father and grandmother. They lied so much and slandered me in anyway possible. The evaluator saw right through them and saw that they along with their attorney had coached my son. So I now have 75% of the time. So, now my son is mad at me. Yesterday he was tremendously angry because he said he was not going to see his father. The reason why I did it was because he has no stable home (had him in 3 different homes and he did not attend any medical visits (my son has a pseudo tumor ceribe) or extra curricular activities. Help any advice. I called 4 therapist today to try and get him in ASAP.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:46 pm

I did read your other posts but forgot how old your son is. I think therapy is a great idea. I think the more you can reach out to him to communicate (depending on his age and anger at the time0, the better things will become. He has to realize that parents have to do what they think is best for their children, and that you haven't done anything wrong. His dad still has visitation. And you can tell him that it's always subject to change as everybody works hard to move forward. You'll just have to see how it goes. Explain the medical attention he needs and that you're going to see that he's taken care of. I'd suggest a movie together or maybe dinner just the two of you. If he's young enough, like mine, Chuck E. Cheese is fun.
Good luck to you.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:37 pm

Hi bevhembree, Thank you for responding. It has now been a week of the new schedule. I took my son to therapy last night and the therapist said that his emotions were normal. She said that he has had good parenting- that made me very happy because I have worked so hard for that. He has softened up a lot since last week and tells me that he loves me -- so I feel much better about it. I did have his friends over this week and am planning on taking him to the beach so we can share some quality time. Thanks for the suggestions.


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:35 am

Sounds like you're on the right track! Keep up the good work!

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