Getting ready to start program

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by Countesssammi » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:04 pm

I bought the program months and months ago, even registered on this site, it had been so long that I forgot my username and password.
Well this time I have to stick with the program. As my anxities have gotten worse and worse..
I am going to start listening to the relaxation tape tonight!!!
Any advice?

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Post by rampamp » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:11 am

Great! I am starting week2 today. I can only say that this 1st week has been very interesting. They say it will increase the anxiety at first but it will then get better. for me, I am trying to do the program "perfectly"(Imagine that:) So far,so good.
Give it a go, it can;t hurt right?
anyways, welcome back, your not alone.

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Post by Mark55 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:18 am

carry the weekly card with you everywhere you go. Read once in the morning, afternoon and before you go to bed. Also the people from Stress center recommend you use the relaxation tape right before you go to bed. GOOD LUCK!!!
What's life without action?

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Post by ali04 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:11 am

Hello. I bought the program a few months ago and have listened to the cds somewhat but really want to start the program and stick to it. I have skipped around which I have read is not recommended. OOPS!! I am so tired of having anxiety and so many fears that I really hope this will help me. I am a timid and insecure person in many ways and hope this will also help with becoming more assertive. I seem to what if think alot and always get my feelings hurt so easily. I am a mom of 4 and want so badly to be a strong mom and wife. I also want to become more spiritual. Hopefully I will get started and stay on track so please send any advice.

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Post by Kldrn » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:03 pm

I wish you well and hope you have the same success I have. I am almost ready to start #5. I spend time everyday with the tapes. A lot of time... about 1-2 hours each night. I know it seems like a lot, but it really is working for me and it has helped me to learn so much about myself and feel incredibly better. Earlier this week I actually said to my husband "I feel myself turning into the person I have wanted to become". Thankfully I have a suppportive husband who has done his homework and listened to his CD("I am there for you"). Much of the work is private, but it helps to share some of your thoughts and success with someone close to you that you can trust. I recommend spending time with it every day, really stick to it and let it make some changes within you. Open your mind and really think about the assignments... don't rush through it and you will learn something new everyday. It feels great to feel yourself changing and to become aware of behaviors of others around you. I want to tell so many people about this program... it really works! I wish you well...

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Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:25 pm

Post by rampamp » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:23 pm

All good input, Kldrn- Your post gives me great hope and motivation. your decriptions of progress is what I am hoping for as well.
thank you

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