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You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by BrennaP » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:26 am

I finally got around to opening my package up. I received it over a month ago but was having a hard time just opening to start (not sure why? fear and worry of something)

I'm now working on my Session 1. Its really good to hear over and over taht I'm NOT alone in this. My only problem is I feel like I'm having a hard time making sure I listen to the cd's all the time, like trying to get a good routine/schedule set up. Did anyone else feel this way at first? Any advice on how to fit everything together?

Wish me good luck


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:20 pm

i am so glad that you finally opened the package and started the program. it will give you the skills and tools that you need to over come panic , anxiety and all sorts of things. i finished the program in 2004 and come in here from time to time to help uplift others. take your time on the program and be in no hurry to get through it..listen and read and do what it tells you..sometime you have to take time to do it and, i know that you can. if i was you i would listen to the relaxitation before you go to bed and when ever you feel panic and anxiety coming on..i hope this helps you some. take care and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and GOD BLESS..


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:03 pm

I also keep my tapes/cd's in my car and listen to and from work (NOT the relaxation ones!)
That has been a big help for me to get all of this in my schedule. Oh, and I keep my workbook, my journal, and a pen on my nightstand so I see if before I go to sleep, then I pick it up.


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:28 pm

I think the combination of the tapes, the workbook, the coaching tapes, and the relaxing CD are a little overwhelming at first. It may be helpful if you worry less about doing all of it,and just concentrate on doing the majority of it. At least for me, some of the week's tapes had less effect on me than others. Looking back, I think it would have been better not to dwell on those that had less effect, but to concentrate on keeping myself moving. Good Luck.


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:59 am

Ha, WE HAVE ALL been there....staring at the package!!!! GOOD, you opened it....You will find in one of the later lessons about perfectionism: We all tend to have this little virus. It whispers to us that "YOU HAVE TO DO ALL THIS STUFF ; perfectly, IN ORDER, WITHOUT ANY MISTAKES; ON TIME..and YOU BETTER NOT GOOF OFF.......any body relate to this????? WELL, bottom line, that produces mega stress!! Lucinda's gentle with yourself! This information is to be used as needed FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! NOT to be done in just 16 weeks or the perfection gene ZAPS YOU!!!
RELAX, SMILE, enjoy the relaxing tape....and just plod along at a pace that YOU ENJOY!! GOOD
Luck....oh, it's ok to start over as many times as you want too!!!

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