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Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:32 am
by Lana
Thanks for this opportunity. My name is Lana and I am 28. I have read almost all the posts here but I did not find one to pertained to what I am going through. One night, while I was 7.5 months pregnant, I ate and went to bed. As I laid down, I felt a sudden swelling in the back of my throat. I had no clue what was happening so I went to the doctor; had a thyroid ultra sound which came back normal. After I delivered my son, (he was some what colicky) the feeling in my throat came back.. I went to an ENT and he diagnosed Acid Reflux. I began focusing on my throat because of the constant swelling and I was not able to get it off my mind. I got to a point that I began feeling and seeing my epiglottis. No matter what I did, it was there. I would wake up in the morning and just feel it, sometimes I would swallow and I would feel it stick and unstick. It eased temporarily while and after I ate but then the sensation came back. My ENT was convinced that this is from Anxiety because of focusing on the swelling/throat. I had a Neck Catscan and the results stated I had "Multiple Nodes at the upper limits of Normal size which are remarkable by virtue of their multiplicity. Clinical correlation recommended."
My doc is still sure that the swelling is from AR but said the lymph nodes is a whole seperate things and wants me to see an Infectious disease doc. I take prilosec and zantac for the AR, which is not really bothering me any more, the swelling has gone down. In regards to the anxiety, I have had a few panic attacks because I still at times feel the epiglottis straining or if I turn my neck, I feel it more.. and it drives me crazy.. I have been doing much better with the negative thinking/focusing on it.. I pray, exercise, do yoga poses and am trying to focus on the positive things and avoid my own negative, fearful thoughts.. The weird thing is that I can feel the epiglottis even when I am not feeling anxious.
I wonder if any one else had similar experiences.. please share and ease my mind that what it is is a physical symptom of anxiety and nothing else that the docs are not picking up on. Any input is appreciated. Lana

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:04 am
by Guest
Hi Lana,
Unfortunately I can't relate to "feeling" my epiglottis. Are you sure that is what you are feeling? I am a speech pathologist and have never heard of anyone feeling their epiglottis. This structure is what closes off your airway when you eat and obviously vice-versa when you're breathing. I know that anxiety can cause a feeling of a "lump in your throat"....which I have personally felt in the past. As you know- AR can do the same. It could be a combination of the two, perhaps. I can't comment of the lymph node part...have you had blood work done? Anyway- I'm not sure that I've helped at all, but I hope you're feeling better. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:37 pm
by Guest
I am sure the epiglottis is what I am feeling? I know it sounds crazy and as though I may be mistaken about what I am feeling but I am 100% sure. I can see it (my anatomy is just like that) and for some time now, I feel it. I thin it may be muscular because if I lean my head all the way back and turn to one side or the other (to stretch) I feel it straining. Also, when I swallow any liquid, I feel it flap.. :) . I know how insane this sounds but it is so true. Everyone doubts (doctors, I mean) that I know what I am talking about but when I stick out my tounge and show them what I see, Voila, it is it.. For a while, I had no idea why this was happening (still really don't) and it was causing so much anxiety and panic but now I am learning to just deal with feeling it when I do until it goes away. I could be that I was tensing my muscles so much in the neck that it effected my throat, possibly.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:27 am
by Guest
You can see your epiglottis when you stick your tongue out?! Do you have trouble swallowing or have you had a swallow study? Interesting! Well, whatever it is you're feeling- I hope it gets better, or at least tolerable! Keep me updated on how you're doing!
Good luck!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:25 am
by Guest
Yes, I can see it when I stick out my tounge, some people are just like that. The ENT confirmed that for me. It is more common in kids but some adults do not out grow it and can still see it. I don't try to see it though, I just leave it be however, what I can not seem to let go of is feeling it because I feel it. I think it has a lot to do with muscles though because when I turn my neck, I feel it more so I think the muscles around it, in my neck, have a lot to do with it. I do not have trouble swallowing or with snoring etc.. thanks, hope to hear from you. How are you feeling?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:40 pm
by Guest
I can't say i've ever had the epiglottis symptom, but i would be wiling to bet that your noticing it like you are is anxiety related. I tense my neck muscles a lot, and my throat feels thick or like its gonna close up, that is anxiety and what it does to me. everyone is different. I'm not sure you've have the lump in the throat feeling but thats one that i experience at times and its AWFUL, can last for hours and hours. I'm not a doctor but i'm willing to bet as i posted above earlier that your obsession on this is ANXIETY! I obsess too, usually on one thing, then another. its the nature of the beast. try relaxing some, i bet you'll feel better!!! best of luck!!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:05 pm
by Guest
Hey Stress:
Thanks for sharing. I also believe that a big possibility of what I am feeling is anxiety. I thought I could still feel it even when I was relaxed and not anxious but I guess at those times, I was still anxious (because I was still thinking about my throat) even know I did not think I was.. I also began to notice how often I catch myself with my shoulders shrugged up and so tense and tight, my jaw too... now I keep checking and I relax myself. I am also aware of the thick/close up feeling in the throat and the lump too.. the weird thing is that the symptoms alternate.. but the most annoying is the epiglottis one. I keep trying to relax and reassure myself it is just me and try to redirect my focus. It seems like it works.. What I don't understand though is why at times, at night, while sleeping and relaxed, I wake up to turn to the other side or change positions, and my heart would start to race then beat normal then race again, this may go on for a minute or so then everything goes back to normal. I breathe and make sure I am thinking "right" so it does not progress into a panic attack or anything. Ever get that?
Thanks for this chance to chat. God bless, Lana

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:32 pm
by jcat
Do a search on "globus hystericus". My doctor prefers to call it "globus" - lol, we don't need any "hystericus". I became pretty obsessed with this "pill stuck in my throat" feeling years ago. Turns out it was globus - a psychosomatic thing. Klonopin seems to knock it out for me. I just ran a search and there are too many articles to just quote one--

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:48 am
by Guest
Thanks so much for your reply. You have greatly helped me by suggesting the globus issue. I did a search on the internet a while back by typing, "lump in throat" and globus hystericus came up.. I was almost instantly convinced that this is what I had because it said sufferers are aware of their epiglottis. That is me! It all started with acid reflux and the constant dwelling on my throat and that "feeling" produced and is what started my anxiety...but now the Acid reflux is under control and Lucindas book helped so much with the panic and anxiety (from panic to power) but I still have that feeling there.. I am praying that I find a counselor who is familiar with Globus because I get moments at times where I start freaking out with the "what if" thinking.. but I reassure myself this MUST be the globus. How did you get over it, just meds or therapy? Any help would be appreciated, I have 2 kids I would rather be focusing on :) . Happy New Year.
God Bless you for your time in writing.. Lana

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:52 pm
by Guest
I'm so glad that now you realize that you are not alone. see what anxiety can do to a person horribe isn't it? as the above posts we have all been through what you are going through being its eppiglottis (sp???) or something other in the neck and throat. Okay her is one for you...... you are not alone remember....... I have a fear now of eating chips or tostitos or anything that can get stuck in my throat. because i'm afraid i will chock. see...your not the only one here. and other times i can eat the above and not think about it twice. anxiety plays tricks on the mind remember. your sooooooooooooooooo far from alone......... we will heal!!! happy new year to you!!! 2005 will be a healing and learning time for you as well as all of us!! stay strong. Peace!!!!!!!!!!!